Many precious prizes are available to be won in the Lottery Center. You have chance to win CPs, rare Gems, Garments, Super or even +8 equipment/weapons! Nothing is impossible, and once fortune falls in your lap, you're going to want to thank your lucky stars! Requirements: You can draw as many times as you like. Guide: 1. Purchase a Small Lottery Ticket Pack from the Shopping Mall and talk to Lady Luck in the Market (214,190) to enter the Lottery Center. 2. There are 5 lottery boxes: Steed Boxes (from which you have a higher chance to get those Steeds), Chi Boxes (from which you have a higher chance to get Chi Points), EXP Ball Boxes (from which you have a higher chance to get EXP), Stone Boxes (from which you have a higher chance to get those + Stones) and Assorted Boxes (from which you can draw all kinds of items). Select a Lucky Box and see you what you've won! If you are not satisfied with the item, you have 2 chances to try again by spending a Small Lottery Ticket each time. 3. Collector Zhao (Market, 212,184) and Collector Wong (Lottery Center 34, 42) are glad to buy the Disguise Amulets, Penitence Amulets, and Life Fruit Baskets, if you don't want them. They are worth 10 CPs, each. |
Let's see what prizes you can win by playing the Lottery!
+1BlackSteedPack |
NinjaAmulet |
+1MaroonSteedPack |
NinjaRefinedPackL70 |
+1Stone |
NinjaUniquePackL70 |
+1StonePack |
PenitenceAmulet |
+1WhiteSteedPack |
PermanentStone |
+2BlackSteedBox |
PrairieWind |
+2MaroonSteedBox |
PrayingStone(L) |
+2Stone |
PrayingStone(M) |
+2WhiteSteedBox |
PrayingStone(S) |
+3BlackSteedPack |
PurpleCelestial |
+3MaroonSteedPack |
PurpleElegance |
+3Stone |
PurplePhoenix |
+3WhiteSteedPack |
QuestChanceB |
+4Stone |
RedCelestial |
+5Stone |
RedElegance |
+6BlackSteedPack |
RedPhoenix |
+6MaroonSteedPack |
RefinedDragonGem |
+6RandomSteedPack |
RefinedFuryGem |
+6Stone |
RefinedGloryGem |
+6WhiteSteedPack |
RefinedMoonGem |
+7Stone |
RefinedPhoenixGem |
150PointsChiPack |
RefinedPiratePack |
200PointsChiPack |
RefinedRainbowGem |
20PointsChiPack |
RefinedThunderGem |
30PointsChiPack |
RefinedTortoiseGem |
400PointsChiPack |
RefinedVioletGem |
40PointsChiPack |
RoyalDignity |
500PointsChiPack |
SamuraiLegacy |
50PointsChiPack |
SandRaider |
60PointsChiPack |
Sash(L) |
80PointsChiPack |
SeniorTrainingBox(1) |
999Lilies |
SeniorTrainingBox(2) |
99Lilies |
SeniorTrainingBox(5) |
AngelicalDress |
SmallLotteryTicket |
ArcherRefinedPackL70 |
SmallLotteryTicket(1) |
ArcherUniquePackL70 |
SongofTianshan |
ArroyoScroll |
SouthofCloud |
BigLotteryPack |
SpecialTrainingPack(2) |
BigPermanentStone |
SpecialTrainingPillPack |
BlackCelestial |
StandardLotteryPack |
BlackElegance |
Super1-Soc.AmbergrisBag |
BlackPhoenix |
Super1-Soc.ApeCoat |
BlackTulip |
Super1-Soc.BlindingHood |
BlueCelestial |
Super1-Soc.BoneBracelet |
BlueDream |
Super1-Soc.ChainedArmor |
BlueElegance |
Super1-Soc.DarkHeavyRing |
BluePhoenix |
Super1-Soc.DemonArmor |
BonfireNight |
Super1-Soc.DemonHood |
BrownCelestial |
Super1-Soc.FiresilkBand |
BrownElegance |
Super1-Soc.FlameVeil |
BrownPhoenix |
Super1-Soc.Friar`sFrock |
CaribbeanPirate |
Super1-Soc.GoldCoronet |
CelestialStone |
Super1-Soc.HeartofOcean |
CherryBlossom |
Super1-Soc.HeavenFan |
Class10MoneyBag |
Super1-Soc.HuntingCoat |
Class1MoneyBag |
Super1-Soc.JadeRing |
Class2MoneyBag |
Super1-Soc.LeopardHat |
Class3MoneyBag |
Super1-Soc.LightBoots |
Class4MoneyBag |
Super1-Soc.LordKatana |
Class5MoneyBag |
Super1-Soc.PearlHelmet |
Class6MoneyBag |
Super1-Soc.PlatinaNecklace |
Class7MoneyBag |
Super1-Soc.PowerGown |
Class8MoneyBag |
Super1-Soc.PureHeadband |
Class9MoneyBag |
Super1-Soc.RoyalPlume |
CleanWater |
Super1-Soc.SharkCap |
ColorfulDress |
Super1-Soc.StarTower |
CyanCelestial |
Super1-Soc.TranquilHat |
Dance2 |
Super1-Soc.WolfVest |
Dance3 |
Super2-Soc.ArcticPlume |
Dance4 |
Super2-Soc.BeadsOfConcentration |
Dance5 |
Super2-Soc.BeanBag |
Dance6 |
Super2-Soc.BloodRapier |
Dance7 |
Super2-Soc.BoneHeavyRing |
Dance8 |
Super2-Soc.BrightArmor |
DarkWizard |
Super2-Soc.CloudBacksword |
DisguiseAmulet |
Super2-Soc.CloudCap |
DivineRobe |
Super2-Soc.CopperWand |
DreamingFlowers |
Super2-Soc.CrocodileBoots |
DuskRomance |
Super2-Soc.DemonHook |
Elite+8AbyssCoat |
Super2-Soc.DipperArmor |
Elite+8AmethystRing |
Super2-Soc.Exorcist`sScythe |
Elite+8BlueBag |
Super2-Soc.FangKatana |
Elite+8CatHat |
Super2-Soc.GoldAxe |
Elite+8CruiseHood |
Super2-Soc.GoldBracelet |
Elite+8CrystalNecklace |
Super2-Soc.GoldNecklace |
Elite+8Cutlass |
Super2-Soc.GrimPoleaxe |
Elite+8CyanHood |
Super2-Soc.GuardHat |
Elite+8DemonScythe |
Super2-Soc.HeadbandOfWisdom |
Elite+8DragonDagger |
Super2-Soc.HeavenFan |
Elite+8EagleBoots |
Super2-Soc.IvoryRing |
Elite+8EmeraldPlume |
Super2-Soc.JackalHat |
Elite+8EndBacksword |
Super2-Soc.JadeCoronet |
Elite+8GhostLongHammer |
Super2-Soc.JusticeKnife |
Elite+8GothicPlate |
Super2-Soc.Lance |
Elite+8HawkHalbert |
Super2-Soc.LightningWhip |
Elite+8HeadbandOfObedience |
Super2-Soc.LordKatana |
Elite+8HeavenFan |
Super2-Soc.LoyalSword |
Elite+8HornBow |
Super2-Soc.MasterNinjaVest |
Elite+8IvoryHeavyRing |
Super2-Soc.PearlHeadband |
Elite+8LeopardCoat |
Super2-Soc.PetalLongHammer |
Elite+8LotusScepter |
Super2-Soc.PlumeVeil |
Elite+8LotusVeil |
Super2-Soc.PureGown |
Elite+8MeteorEarring |
Super2-Soc.RainbowBlade |
Elite+8MoonSpear |
Super2-Soc.RainbowDagger |
Elite+8MythVest |
Super2-Soc.RosewoodBow |
Elite+8PeaceSword |
Super2-Soc.SailorHood |
Elite+8PhoenixHook |
Super2-Soc.ScarletHood |
Elite+8PolishedPrayerBeads |
Super2-Soc.ShiningHammer |
Elite+8RadiantFrock |
Super2-Soc.SilverHalbert |
Elite+8RidingCrop |
Super2-Soc.SnakeClub |
Elite+8RockGlaive |
Super2-Soc.SpunGoldFrock |
Elite+8RoseHeadband |
Super2-Soc.StarTower |
Elite+8ShaolinAxe |
Super2-Soc.SyeniticHelmet |
Elite+8ShaolinMace |
Super2-Soc.TasselEarring |
Elite+8ShiningHelmet |
Super2-Soc.ThornShield |
Elite+8SilverPistol |
Super2-Soc.ThunderScepter |
Elite+8SoftShield |
Super2-Soc.TigerGlaive |
Elite+8SparkyKnife |
Super2-Soc.WailingPistol |
Elite+8StarRobe |
Super2-Soc.WaveCoat |
Elite+8StarTower |
Super2-Soc.WolfCoat |
Elite+8SteelArmor |
SuperAntlerHat |
Elite+8SteelCoronet |
SuperBasaltArmor |
Elite+8StoneCap |
SuperBlazeHood |
Elite+8SwallowPoleaxe |
SuperBloodVeil |
Elite+8ThunderKatana |
SuperBlueBracelet |
Elite+8TimeWand |
SuperCalmHat |
Elite+8UnitClub |
SuperConquestGown |
Elite+8VioletBracelet |
SuperDiamondRing |
Elite+8WarHammer |
SuperDragonNecklace |
Elite+8WaveHat |
SuperFrockOfAges |
Elite+8WaveRapier |
SuperGoldBag |
EnduranceBook |
SuperHeadbandOfRepentance |
ExemptionToken |
SuperHeavenFan |
ExpBall |
SuperJadeEarring |
EXPBallGiftBox(5) |
SuperJetHeavyRing |
EXPBallPack(3) |
SuperKylinBoots |
ExpPotion |
SuperMapleHeadband |
FavoredTrainingPack(1) |
SuperMonkCoronet |
FavoredTrainingPack(10) |
SuperMoonVest |
FavoredTrainingPack(2) |
SuperRhinoCoat |
FavoredTrainingPack(20) |
SuperRidingCrop |
FavoredTrainingPack(5) |
SuperStarCap |
FeatherDress |
SuperStarTower |
GloryEXPBallPack(10) |
SuperSwanPlume |
GoodLuck |
SuperTortoiseGem |
GreenElegance |
SuperTunaCoat |
GreenPhoenix |
SuperVikingHood |
HeavenScent |
SuperViolentHelmet |
LifeFruitBasket |
SuperWarArmor |
LotteryTicket |
TaoistRefinedPackL70 |
LuckyCPPack |
TaoistUniquePackL70 |
LuxuryLotteryPack |
TopMoneyBag |
MagicalBottle |
ToughDrill |
MeteorTearPack |
TrojanRefinedPackL70 |
MiniLotteryPack |
TrojanUniquePackL70 |
MiniLotteryPack(2) |
UglyDuck |
MiraculousGourd |
UniquePiratePack |
ModestyBook |
WarriorRefinedPackL70 |
MonkRefinedPackL70 |
WarriorUniquePackL70 |
MonkUniquePackL70 |
WeddingGown |
MoonOrchid |
WhiteCelestial |
NightDevil |
WhiteElegance |
WhitePhoenix |
There is no star tower, heaven fan and +8 items in 1.0 server.