During the event, hero who has owned class 5 house can upgrade their house to class 6. There are 2 ways to upgrade your house to class 6 and heroes can upgrade by paying 8,999 CPs directly or gathering the Class 6 House Pack form some quests (like Evil Labyrinth, Dis City, Battlefield Heroes and Treasure in the Blue). Heroes also can purchase Class 6 House Reward Pack from Honor Store and Horse Racing Store.
Note: Class 6 House Reward Pack only can open up to 3 times in 1 day.

Once you upgrade house to class 6, there are some new functions which heroes can enjoy in your house, like farming, mature your pet and decorate your house with new shining furniture. But heroes need to gather relevant item to NPC to release these functions. Heroes also can pay some CPs to release these functions directly.

Heroes can plant something in your farm by talking with gardener NPC. There is much kind of seed which you can purchase from gardener NPC, like Life Fruit Seed, EXP Fruit Seed, Chi Fruit Seed, Frozen Chi Fruit Seed, Unique Spirit Herb Seed and Epic Spirit Herb Seed etc.
Life Fruit Seed
Needs 1 day or 500,000 Silver to produce 5 fruits after planting it in Class 6 house`s green zone. The fruit can recover HP&MP.
EXP Fruit Seed
Needs 1 day or 9 CPs to produce 1 fruit after planting it in Class 6 house`s green zone. Use the fruit to make EXP Balls or EXP.
Spirit Herb Seed
Needs 1 day or 500,000 Silver to mature after planting it in Class 6 house`s green zone. The herb adds 5 Growth Pts to a pet.
Starlight Flower Seed
Needs 1 day or 9 CPs to produce 1 flower after planting it in Class 6 house`s green zone. Use the flower to get 150 Study Pts.
Chi Fruit Seed
Needs 1 day or 37 CPs to produce 1 fruit after planting it in Class 6 house`s green zone. Eat the fruit to get 200 Chi Points.
Protection Herb Seed
Needs 1 day or 200,000 Silver to produce 5 Protection Pills after planting it in Class 6 house`s green zone.
Unique Spirit Herb Seed
Needs 12 hours or 100,000 Silver to mature after planting it in Class 6 house`s green zone. The herb adds 20 Pet Growth Pts.
Epic Spirit Herb Seed
Needs 6 hours or 10,000 Silver to mature after planting it in Class 6 house`s green zone. The herb adds 100 Pet Growth Pts.
Frozen Chi Fruit Seed
Needs 2 days or 29 CPs to produce 1 Frozen Chi Pill Scrap after planting it in Class 6 house`s green zone.
Begonia Seed
Needs 8 hours or 9 CPs to produce 1 Begonia after planting it in Class 6 house`s green zone. Exchange the Begonia for furniture.
If heroes want more space to plant, talk to gardener NPC to expand the space of the farm. It needs to consume some Class 6 House Pack or pay CPs directly.

Talk with “?” NPC to unlock the garden which heroes can feed pet in there. It is required to consume 120 Class 6 House Packs or 1,999 CPs to unlock the function. Once you unlock the garden, you can begin to feed your pet in the Garden.

Talk to pet nurse hatches pet egg, feed pet and view pet’s growth status. There are 8 kinds of egg which you can choose.
Crane Egg
Give this blue pet egg to the Pet Nurse to hatch it into a lovely [Crane]
Panda Egg
Give this pet egg in black and white to the Pet Nurse to hatch it into a cute [Panda]
Fox Egg
Give this warm pet egg to the Pet Nurse to hatch it into a smart [Fox]
Green Dragon Egg
Give this heavy beast egg to the Pet Nurse to hatch it into a [Green Dragon] guarding your house.
Violent Beast Egg
Give this beast egg covered in black fog to the Pet Nurse to hatch it into a [Violent Beast] guarding your house.
Evil Piercer Egg
Give this beast egg with tide strength to the Pet Nurse to hatch it into a [Evil Piercer] guarding your house.
Fire Kylin Egg
Give this burning beast egg to the Pet Nurse to hatch it into a [Fire Kylin] guarding your house.
Infernal Wolf Egg
Give this beast egg in darkness to the Pet Nurse to hatch it into an [Infernal Wolf] guarding your house.
Once the pet is matured, the pet will transfer into the furniture. Heroes can set these unique furnitures in your house.

Moon Platform
Talk to Moon Fairy NPC, she will deliver you to the Moon Kiss Platform directly.