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Guide - Guild Introduction

Introduction Siege Bomb Guild War Guild Beasts Guild Status

1. How to set up a Guild
Players of Level 90 or above may find the Guild Director in Twin City (399,394) and pay 1 million silvers to set up a Guild. Players can then choose a Guild name for themselves. The system will indicate you when a Guild has been set up.

2.What does Guild Level mean
Guild levels are determined by the number of Overlord Arsenals a Guild has. An Arsenal will be upgraded into an Overlord Arsenal when its Arsenal Donation reaches 5 million, and then the Guild level will increase by 1.

Each Guild can have only one Guild Leader. However, at different levels, it may have different numbers of deputy leaders and other officials.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Deputy Leader 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4
Honorary Deputy Leader 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2
Manager 1 1 2 2 4 4 6 6
Honorary Manager 1 1 1 1 2 2 4 4
Supervisor 0 0 0 1 Supervisor for each type of Donation and flower. 2 Supervisors for each type of Donation and flower.
Honorary Supervisor 1 1 1 1 2 2 6 6
Steward 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 8
Honorary Steward 1 1 2 2 4 4 6 6
Deputy Steward No number limitation.
Agent No number limitation.
Charm Agent 1 Charm Agent for each type of flower.
Donation Agent 1 Donation Agent for each type of Donation.
Follower No number limitation.
Charm Follower 1 Charm Follower for each type of flower.
Donation Follower 1 Donation Follower for each type of Donation.
Senior Member No number limitation.
Member No number limitation.

3. Guild Privileges
Privileges of Guild officials are decided by their positions in the Guild hierarchy.

Position Privileges Percentage of
Battle Power Shared
Guild Leader 1. Recruit new Guild members.
2. Appoint Deputy Leaders, Honorary officials, Leader Aides and all other officials.
3. Unlock Martial Arsenal.
4. Dismiss Guild members.
Note: It takes CPs to appoint Honorary officials.
Deputy Leader 1. Recruit new Guild members.
2. Appoint Stewards, Honorary Stewards, Deputy Leader Aides and other lower-ranking officials. There are no aides for Honorary officials.
3. Unlock Martial Arsenal.
4. Dismiss Guild members with positions lower than Steward (included).
Note: When the leader’s spouse is in the same Guild as the leader and is not appointed as the Deputy Leader of this Guild, the spouse will be automatically appointed as the Leader Spouse.
Honorary Deputy Leader
Leader Spouse 90%
Manager 1. Recruit new Guild members.
2. Appoint Manager Aides. There are no aides for Honorary officials.
Honorary Manager
Supervisor 1. Recruit new Guild members.
2. Appoint Supervisor Aides. There are no aides for Honorary officials.
Note: Guild members will be automatically appointed as a Supervisor when their Donation or flowers received meet the requirements for a certain Supervisor. There are altogether 9 types of Supervisors in a Guild.
Donation Supervisor
Honorary Supervisor
Steward Stewards are appointed based on their Total Donations.
Please view the Faction Official Numbers listed above for corresponding Donation requirements.
When the leader’s spouse is in the same Guild as the leader and is not appointed as the Deputy Leader of this Guild, the spouse will be automatically appointed as the Leader Spouse.
Note: Total Donation refers to the combination of Arsenal Donation, Silver Donation, CP Donation, Guide Donation and PK Donation.
Deputy Leader Spouse
Leader Spouse Aide
Deputy Leader Aide
Deputy Steward Guild members will be appointed as the Steward when their Total Donation hits 170000. There is no limit to how many Stewards a Guild can have. 40%
Agent 1. Guild members will be appointed as the Agent when their Total Donation hits 150000. No limit per Guild.
2. A Guild can have 1 Charm Agent of a type of flower. The member with the most flowers of a type will become the Charm Agent of this flower. There are certain thresholds for each type of Charm Agent.
Rose Agent: At least 2430 Roses received.
Lily Agent: At least 1620 Lilies received.
Orchid Agent: At least 810 Orchids received.
Tulip Agent: At least 1620 Tulips received.
3.A Guild can have 1 Donation Agent of a type of Donation. The member with the most Donations of a type will become the Agent of this Donation. There are certain thresholds for each type of Donation Agent.
Silver Agent: At least 31500.
CP Agent: At least 120000.
PK Agent: At least 9000.
Guide Agent: At least 9000.
Arsenal Agent: At least 100000.
Agents can appoint their own Aides
Donation Agent
Supervisor Spouse
Manager Spouse
Supervisor Aide
Manager Aide
Follower 1.Spouses of officials in this column will be appointed by the system automatically.
2.Officials of these positions will be appointed by the system automatically when their flowers received or Donations reach the following amounts.
Follower & Senior Member: Total Donation = 80000.
Rose Follower: 810 Roses received.
Lily Follower: 540 Lilies received.
Orchid Follower: 270 Orchids received.
Tulip Follower: 540 Tulips received.
Silver Follower: 15000.
CP Follower: 40000.
PK Follower: 3000.
Guide Follower: 3000.
Arsenal Follower: 33000.
Steward Spouse
Donation Follower
Steward Spouse Members will be appointed as Senior Members when their Total Donations hit 50000. 15%
Senior Member
Member   10%

4. Donation Types
There are five types of Donations to a Guild. They are the Silver Donation, the CP Donation, the PK Donation, the Guide Donation and the Arsenal Donation.

Silver Donation is based on the silver donated by Guild members to the Guild.
CP Donation refers to the CPs donated by Guild members to the Guild.
PK Donation is decided by the number of members from Enemy Guilds killed by a Guild member.
Guide Donation is increased when a Guild member power-levels other Guild members.
Arsenal Donation is increased when a Guild member register more equipment to the Martial Arsenal.

Note: Total Donation refers to the combination of all five types of Donations.

5. Guild Interface

Guild Information:
You can check the basic information of the Guild and your Donation Ranking here.

You can check the information of the Guild members here. The members who have the right of appointment can dismiss and appoint Guild members in this interface. (Refer to section No.3)

Click a member in “Members” and click “Appoint”, then the appointment interface will pop up.

The available number of each position increases as the Guild level increases.

You can check the information of Allies and Enemies, add Allies and Enemies and break up relations here.

Donation Ranking:
You can check all kinds of Donation ranking here.

Each Guild has 8 Arsenals: Headgear Arsenal, Armor Arsenal, Weapon Arsenal, Ring Arsenal, Boots Arsenal, Necklace Arsenal, Fan Arsenal and Tower Arsenal.
You can only unlock one Arsenal everyday. After an Arsenal is unlocked, all the members in the Guild can register their corresponding equipment in this Arsenal. Your Arsenal Donation, as well as the Donation of this unlocked Arsenal, will increase if you register one piece of equipment successfully. (Arsenal Donation refers to the sum of the Donations of all the registered equipment.)
If the total Donation of an Arsenal reaches 2 million, this Arsenal will obtain 1 Battle Power. When it reaches 4 million, this Arsenal will obtain 2 Battle Power. After it reaches 5 million, the Arsenal will become an Overlord Arsenal and the Guild will be upgraded 1 level, which means more positions. When it reaches 10 million, this Arsenal will obtain 3 Battle Power. In short, an Arsenal is able to gain at most 3 Battle Power. The sum of the top 5 Arsenals’ Battle Power is considered to be the final Battle Power of the Guild.

The price for unlocking the Arsenal:

Number Price
1~2 5 million silver for each one
3~5 10 million silver for each one
6~7 15 million silver for each one
8 20 million silver for each one

The Donation of the registered equipment with different qualities:
Only Elite equipment or above can be registered in the Arsenal.

Quality Donation
Elite 1000
Super 16660

Socket Donation
1 33330
2 133330

Bonus Level Donation
+1 90
+2 490
+3 1350
+4 4070
+5 12340
+6 37030
+7 111110
+8 333330
+9 1000000
+10 1033330
+11 1101230
+12 1212340

The number of pieces of registered equipment in an Arsenal for each Guild member:

  1. 1. The non reborn character below level 100 can only register 7 pieces of equipment of the same kind.
  2. 2. The non reborn character above level 100 can only register 14 pieces of equipment of the same kind.
  3. 3. The first reborn character can register 21 pieces of equipment of the same kind.
  4. 4. The second reborn character can register 30 pieces of equipment of the same kind.

Click “Unlock” to unlock the Arsenal:

After unlocking the Arsenal, you can register equipment in the matched Arsenal:

The registered equipment is unable to be traded, dropped or be the minor item in the composition.
The mark of the registered equipment:

If the Arsenal Donation is not enough, you can click “Enhance” and spend a certain amount of silver to obtain extra Battle Power. (It can enhance at most 2 Battle Power)

6. The Guild that controls the Guild area:
After the Guild War, the Guild that occupies the pole will control the Guild area. (Refer to the Guild War)
The Guild that dominates the Guild area can use the Guild Fund to purchase Guild Teleporters and place them in the Guild area. The members who don’t belong to this Guild have to pay to enter the Training Ground and use the Guild Teleporters. The money will be deposited in the Guild Fund. Also, you can use the Guild Fund to restore the HP of the pole when the pole is being attacked.

7. Guild Fund Consumption
The Guild Fund can be used to make up for the experience lost when a Guild member is killed.
For the Guild that hasn’t occupied the Guild Pole:
The Guild fund can make up for 10% of the EXP lost when a Guild member is killed. At the same time, that member’s Silver Donation to the Guild will be deducted.

For the Guild that has occupied the Guild Pole:
The Guild fund can make up for 20% of the EXP lost when a Guild member is killed. Meanwhile, that member’s Silver Donation to the Guild will be deducted.

Moreover,the EXP compensation varies according to your position in the Guild.

Also, if you are killed by members of enemy Guilds, your PK Donation will be deducted.

8. Abdicate
The Guild leader can find Guild Director to abdicate his or her position to any online members in the Guild.

9. Guild Disband
When the entire Guild fund is used up, your Guild will be automatically disbanded by the system.

10. Guild Beast
The Guild leader of the Guild successfully occupying the Guild Pole can pay 500,000 silver from the Guild fund to the Beast Guard to summon a Guild Beast.

Between 21:00 and 22:00, the Beast Guard will summon a Guild Beast with high defense that will only attack randomly. The Guild Beast will drop a Dragon Ball after being killed. If it hasn’t been killed after 22:00, the Beast Guard will call it back and the Dragon Ball will be given to the Guild leader or deputy leader whose Guild has occupied the Guild Pole.

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