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Skill - Trojan

XP Skills

Cyclone Boosts the caster`s movement and attack speed.
Super Cyclone Boosts the caster`s movement and attack speed, and halves the cost of Stamina required by other skills. Last for 40 seconds. Note: Can’t recover XP while in use.
Accuracy Triple the hit rate for 120 seconds.


Normal Skills

Fatal Cross

Trojan's Epic Weapon only. Equip 2 Epic Weapons and throw the Cross Saber in target direction, inflicting great damage on all the targets within 3 paces along its attack path. Cost: 25 Stamina.

Note: Proficiency of this skill will NOT jump to the previous state after a rebirth.

Magic Image Magic Level Damage Inflicted Level Requirement
0 85% of normal damage 40
1 90% of normal damage 70
2 95% of normal damage 80
3 100% of normal damage 90
4 105% of normal damage 100
5 110% of normal damage 110
6 115% of normal damage Fixed


Equip any two one-handed weapons to cast. Causing certain amount of damage to a certain area around the caster. Cost: 30 Stamina.

Magic Image Magic Level Damage Inflicted Level Requirement
0 85% of normal damage within 3 paces 40
1 85% of normal damage within 4 paces 70
2 85% of normal damage within 5 paces 80
3 90% of normal damage within 5 paces 90
4 90% of normal damage within 6 paces 100

Spirit Healing

Recover certain amount of HP. Cost: 100 Stamina.

Magic Image Magic Level Recover HP Level Requirement
0 500 40
1 800 70
2 1300 Fixed


Passive Skills

Mortal Strike

Equip 2 Trojan`s Epic Weapons to cast. While attacking, the caster has a chance to cause great damage on targets within a certain range.

Note: Proficiency of this skill will NOT jump to the previous state after a rebirth.

Magic Image Magic Level Activate Chance Damage Inflicted to Human Damage Inflicted to Monsters Level Requirement
0 30% 185% of normal damage 200% of normal damage 15
1 31% 190% of normal damage 210% of normal damage 30
2 32% 195% of normal damage 220% of normal damage 45
3 33% 200% of normal damage 230% of normal damage 60
4 34% 205% of normal damage 240% of normal damage 70
5 35% 210% of normal damage 250% of normal damage 80
6 36% 215% of normal damage 260% of normal damage 90
7 37% 220% of normal damage 270% of normal damage 100
8 38% 225% of normal damage 280% of normal damage 110
9 42% 230% of normal damage 300% of normal damage Fixed

Breath Focus

If fails to hit the target with a random active skill (excludes Reborn skills), the caster has a 100% chance to recover a certain amount of Stamina.

Magic Image Magic Level Stamina Recovered Level Requirement
0 5 15
1 6 30
2 7 45
3 8 60
4 9 70
5 10 80
6 11 90
7 12 100
8 14 110
9 15 Fixed


Pure Skill

Dragon Whirl

Attack a location within 15 paces. Causes great damage on all targets within a certain area of the site. Costs 30 Stamina.

Magic Image Magic Level Damage Inflicted Level Requirement
0 105% of normal damage within 3 paces 0
1 110% of normal damage within 3 paces 40
2 110% of normal damage within 4 paces 50
3 115% of normal damage within 4 paces 70
4 115% of normal damage within 5 paces 90

Where can I learn the spells above?

Enter the Job Center and speak with the Trojan Star, She will list the skills and allow you to learn them if you meet the requirements.

How do I use the XP skills?

To use XP skills, you should wait until the XP circle has filled with gold color. When the XP circle has filled with gold color, the XP skill buttons will appear on the lower right corner of the game screen. Click on one of them, and then right click on the target to release it. The XP skill buttons will disappear after 20 seconds or more and reappear when the XP circle has filled with gold color again, so you had better try to make good use of the XP skills before they disappear.