Christmas & New Year | Quick Sale | Gift Exchange
Egg Cleaning | Gift Got Talent | Egg, Where to go?
Snowman Building | Egg Crush | A Bit of Festival
Event Time: Dec. 21st, 2017 – Jan. 3rd, 2018
Rewards: Festival Joy Pack and Snowman
Requirement: Level 80
Limit: Once a day
Key Item: Snow ball, coal ball, scarf, carrot and hat
NPC: Christmas Envoy in Twin City (340,460)
1. How can there be Christmas without Snowman? Do you hear Santa Claus's call? He's asking people to build snowman with him. There must be lots of gifts and surprises.
2. Visit Santa Claus to learn the details and claim a shovel.
3. Collect 2 snowballs from the snowdrift in Wind Plain (397,469),
7. Claim a Christmas Hat from the Boutique Owner in Wind Plain (296,222)
8. When you get all the required materials, you can use them to build a snowman and claim a reward from Santa Claus. The snowman will be yours too!