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Easter Egg Painting

Easter Egg Painting | Mysterious Treasure
Torch Delivery | Big Sale | Daily Lottery

Event Time: April 2nd – 8th

Requirements: Level 80 or above

NPC: Artist Carol (Twin City 276,364)


Festival Joy Pack
Festival Joy Pack
Open it to get some EXP and a gift as rewards.
Silent Deer Egg
Silent Deer Egg
Right click to hatch this egg painted with the Silent Deer. The Silent Deer can be used to decorate your house.
Harvest Elephant Egg
Harvest Elephant Egg
Right click to hatch this egg painted with the Harvest Elephant. The Harvest Elephant can be used to decorate your house.
White Sage Egg
White Sage Egg
Right click to hatch this egg painted with the White Sage. The White Sage can be used to decorate your house.
Blessing Kylin Egg
Blessing Kylin Egg
Right click to hatch this egg painted with the Blessing Kylin. The White Sage can be used to decorate your house.


Quest Items:

Magic Brush
Magic Brush
You received this painting brush from Artist Carol. Use it to paint the Egg. Right click to use.
You received this normal egg from Artist Carol. Paint it with the Magic Brush to turn it into an Easter Egg.



1. Artist Carol (Twin City 276,364) has prepared some painting brushes and eggs for the Easter celebration from April 2nd – 8th. If you`re Level 80 or above, take the chance to make yourself a unique painted egg.

Artist Carol

2. Artist Carol will give you a Magic Brush and an Egg. Just right click the brush, and you can choose a picture from Silent Deer, Harvest Elephant, White Sage and Blessing Kylin to draw. I`ll reward you with a Festival Joy Pack if you successfully make a painted egg. What`s more, you can decorate your house with the thing you receive from the painted egg.

painted egg


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