Attention, heroes!
The Valuable Item Sale will start on Jan. 21. Items including Mythsoul Boxes, Rare Yellow Rune (B), Collection Scraps, and Brilliance Oracle are on sale. There is also Limited-time CP Discount Store selling Footprint and Action and other precious items.
Bloodwing Specter Box: Open to get 1 exclusive effect (Footprint) Bloodwing Specter.
Malefic Moon Box: Open to get 1 exclusive action Malefic Moon.
Duration: Jan. 21 to Feb. 3
Requirement: Level 80 of 1st Rebirth
Note: The Valuable Item Sale is not availalbe on Origin Servers.
Kelly in Twin City (320,435)
1. During the event, you can meet Kelly in Twin City (320,435) to participate in the sale and claim Coupon Packs after completing designated quests every day.
2. You can obtain additional discount coupons by shopping in the CP Discount Store and Flash Sale Store at NPC Kelly.
Coupon Obtaining Method:
Obtaining Method
Daily Quest
Using Chi Tokens
1 Coupon Pack (B)
Killing 100 monsters in the wild
1 Coupon Pack (B)
Winning 3 rounds in the Qualifier
1 Coupon Pack (B)
Consumption Quest
(CPs consumed in Valuable Item Sale)
Spending CPs first time
1 Coupon Pack (B)
Spending 2,760 CPs in total
1 Coupon Pack (B)
Spending 10,000 CPs in total
2 15%-off Coupons
Spending 20,000 CPs in total
1 Coupon Pack (B)
Spending 25,000 CPs in total
2 20%-off Coupons
Spending 30,000 CPs in total
2 Coupon Packs (B)
Spending 40,000 CPs in total
1 Coupon Pack (B)
Spending 50,000 CPs in total
1 20%-off Coupon
Spending 70,000 CPs in total
1 25%-off Coupon
3. The CP Discount Store will open during the event. Items including Mythsoul Boxes, Rare Yellow Rune (B), Collection Scraps, and Brilliance Oracle will be available for purchase. You can use coupons to buy the items at a low price.
CP Discount Store Details:
Price (CPs)
Personal Purchase Limit
L6 Mythsoul Box (Include the new Mythsouls: Free Soul, Wellspring, and Protection.)
19,999 CPs
L5 Mythsoul Box (Include the new Mythsouls: Free Soul, Wellspring, and Protection.)
9,999 CPs
Optional +1 Rare Yellow Rune Bag (B)
Open to choose one rare Yellow Rune from Might (+1) (B), Solidness (+1) (B), Slow Pace (+1) (B), Adamant (+1) (B), Front Break (+1) (B), Consolidation (+1) (B), Whetted Blade (+1) (B), Cosmic Flash (+1) (B), and Lord Impact (+1) (B).
30,999 CPs
Collection Scrap Selection Box
Open to choose a reward from 100 Universal Parasol Scraps/100 Universal Flute Scraps/100 Universal Strings Scraps/100 Universal Pet Scraps/100 Universal Stellar Fragments (B)/100 Morning Star Scraps (B).
Note: The Scraps are untradable.
20,000 CPs
Light Oracle
117 CPs
Brilliance Oracle
351 CPs
4. There is also Limited-time CP Discount Store selling Footprint and Action and other precious items. Each time there is only 1 item up for sale in each server! First come, first served!
Flash Sale Store Details:
Opening Hours
Jan. 21 and Jan. 28: 18:00 - 19:00
Light Rune * 20 (Untradable)
1,200 CPs
Jan. 22 and Jan. 29: 18:00 - 19:00
Immense Zest * 20 (Untradable)
1,300 CPs
Jan. 23 and Jan. 30: 18:00 - 19:00
Rare Yellow Rune Perseverance (+1) (B)
27,999 CPs
Jan. 24 and Jan. 31: 18:00 - 19:00
Rare Yellow Rune Celestial Rope (+1) (B)
27,999 CPs
Jan. 25 and Feb. 1: 18:00 - 19:00
Rare Yellow Rune Pure Serenity (+1) (B)
27,999 CPs
Jan. 26 and Feb. 2: 18:00 - 19:00
Bloodwing Specter Box: Open to get 1 exclusive effect Bloodwing Specter.
Note: The box is untradable.
9,999 CPs
Jan. 27 and Feb. 3: 18:00 - 19:00
Malefic Moon Box: Open to get 1 exclusive action Malefic Moon.
Note: The box is untradable.
11,999 CPs
Bloodwing Specter Box: Open to get 1 exclusive effect (Footprint) Bloodwing Specter.
Malefic Moon Box: Open to get 1 exclusive action Malefic Moon.