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Patch 7532: Temporary Maintenance Compensation, Turkey Adventure Event Local Rankings Reward Adjustment and Copy Function in Whisper Chat Channel

Date: 2022-11-28 16:06 Source: Official Views:

We're glad to announce that Patch 7532 will be released on Nov. 29th.

Note: You must be sure that the client is completely closed before patching, otherwise the patch may not be installed correctly and you won't be able to login the game.

Temporary Maintenance Compensation
Players who have been at least 1st-reborn will receive 100 CPs (B), Star Stones, and other items as compensation for the temporary server maintenance upon login between Nov. 29 to 30, 2022.
Turkey Adventure Event Local Rankings Reward Adjustment
There will be 2 L4 Mythsoul Packs, 3 Permanent Stones (B), 1 Lightning Leopard (B) and 2000 Universal Rune Essences (B) as reward for the No. 1 hero in the  Local Rankings
Copy Function in Whisper Chat Channel
The Copy function is added to the Whisper chat channel. Use "CTRL + V" to paste the copied text.
CO Poker Club