Conquer Online
Arrowsoul Enhancing
Jun.8th 00:00 to Jul.8th 23:59 (US server time)
Archer’s Epic Weapon Box
Open to get a Super +12 2-socket 7% Blessed epic weapon.
Splendid Enhancing Box
It’s for the No. 1 hero. Open to select 1 9-crown epic weapon, 3 Splendid Star Stones, 3 +7 Stones (B) and 10000 Chi Points.
5-Star Garment Box
Open to select 1 permanent 5-star garment from Bright Purple Romance (B), Budding Flower (Legend) (B), Crystal Love (Star) (B) and Frozen Fantasy (Glaze) (B).
5-Star Mount Armor Box
Open to select 1 permanent 5-star Mount Armor from Auspicious Cloud (B), Cherry Cloud (B), Mythic Beast (B) and Azure Fox (Freedom) (B).
Rank Prizes
No. 1: 1 9-crown epic weapon, 3 Splendid Star Stones, 3 +7 Stones (B) and 10000 Chi Points.
No. 2 - 3: 1 Rare Yellow Rune Box (B), 2 Splendid Star Stones, 2 +7 Stones (B) and 8000 Chi Points.
No. 4 - 6: 1 Rare Yellow Rune Pack (B), 1 Splendid Star Stone, 1 +7 Stone (B) and 6000 Chi Points.
No. 7 - 10: 1 Yellow Rune Box (B), 5 Radiant Star Stones, 1 +6 Stone (B) and 5000 Chi Points.
All servers
Above 2nd rebirth
Reward Claiming Times
No limit
Twin City
Key Items
Use the Deific Sphere to enhance it. Submit enhanced Arrowsouls to win abundant rewards, expires on July 9.
Unique Deific Sphere
It’s got a probability to enhance Arrowsouls below +4, and get the attribute improved by 1 if it succeeds, expires on July 9.
Elite Deific Sphere
It’s got a high probability to enhance +4 - +6 Arrowsouls, and get the attribute improved by 1 if it succeeds, expires on July 9.
Rare Deific Sphere
It’s got a higher probability to enhance +7 - +9 Arrowsouls, and get the attribute improved by 1 if it succeeds, expires on July 9.
Super Deific Sphere
It’s got an extremely high probability to enhance +10 - +12 Arrowsouls, and get the attribute improved by 1 if it succeeds, expires on July 9.
Deific Sphere Fragment
Collect enough fragments to combine them into a Deific Sphere, expires on July 9.
Key NPCs

Name: Shaden
Location: [Twin City] (356,462)
Function: Provide quest guidance and distribute rewards.

Name: Ponlai Attic
Location: [Twin City] (356,468)
Function: Provide quest guidance and distribute rewards.

Name: Treasure Cabinet
Location: [Twin City] (356,472)
Function: Provide quest guidance and distribute rewards.
Brief Walkthrough
Talk to Shaden (Twin City 356,462) to learn about the event.
You may claim an Arrowsoul from Shaden each day.
Use Deific Spheres to enhance the Arrowsouls.
Submit the enhanced Arrowsouls to Ponlai Attic to win abundant rewards. The higher level Arrowsouls will get you better rewards!
Detailed Walkthrough
Shaden happened to find an Arrowsoul when he was wandering around the universe, but it’s extremely fragile. Soon, he found that the power in the Deific Spheres can make it stronger.
You claimed 1 Arrowsoul and 5 Unique Deific Spheres, and then started to enhance it. An Arrowsoul can be enhanced to different levels.
As your Arrowsoul’s level goes up, you may claim the corresponding daily rewards and the Level Packs.

If you don’t have a Deific Sphere, go purchase it from the Treasure Cabinet! A more advanced Deific Sphere will make your Arrowsoul enhancing more efficiently.

Ponlai Attic is a perfect place to restore Arrowsouls. You may put your Arrowsouls in there anytime you want. Submitting a higher level of Arrowsoul will earn you more Blessing Coins, which can be used to exchange for Epic Weapon Boxes, Splendid Star Stones, Yellow Rune Packs (B) and more rewards. You’ll receive Enhancing Points at the same time.
Don’t forget that you have got tons of Blessing Coins! Go exchange them for rewards!
