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Patch 7053: Best Wish to World Event and Love Storm Event Reopen for WildSwan

Date: 2020-03-25 23:56 Source: Official Views:
We're glad to announce that Patch 7053 will be released on March 26th.
Note: You must be sure that the client is completely closed before patching, otherwise the patch may not be installed correctly and you won't be able to login the game.
Highlights of Patch 7053
Best Wish to World Event
Best Wish to World Event will be from March 26th to April 1st.
Love Storm Event Reopen for WildSwan
Since the Global Love Storm event wasn't updated in time in WildSwan server, CO team has decided to reopen the event for heroes in WildSwan server. The event will be from March 26th to April 1st, heroes can join the ingame part of the event, the Global Rank part in offline event page will not be available. 
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