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Patch 6970: Cross-Server Pirate Class PK War Issue Fix, New Server Issue Fix and More

Date: 2019-10-16 23:41 Source: Official Views:

We're glad to announce that Patch 6970 will be released on October 17th.

Note: You must be sure that the client is completely closed before patching, otherwise the patch may not be installed correctly and you won't be able to login the game.

Highlights of Patch 6970

Cross-Server Pirate Class PK War Issue Fix
We will bring back the NPC Lux of Cross-Server Pirate Class PK War and send the Tickets to qualified heroes before the match starts on October 17th, please check your mail box in time. 

New Server Issue Fix
The bug that player's Chi Score will be lowered by using token will be fixed, and players will be able to choose to rebirth in to Water Toaist or Fire Taoist by using the Token.

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