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Patch 6682: Chinese New Year Events, Cross All Server Elite PK Tournament and More

Date: 2018-02-07 20:08 Source: Official Views:

We're glad to announce that Patch 6682 will be released on February 8th.

Note: You must be sure that the client is completely closed before patching, otherwise the patch may not be installed correctly and you won't be able to login the game.

Highlights of Patch 6682

Cross All Server Elite PK Tournament
Cross All Server Elite PK Tournament will be from February 8th to March 8th, please check out the details here.

Chinese New Year and the Lantern Festival Events
Chinese New Year events will be from February 8th to February 28th and the Lantern Festival events will be from March 1st to March 7th.

Server Transfer Out Available for Windwalker
Server transfer out will be available for server Windwalker.

Poker Instant Play Cross Server Goup Merge
In Poker Instant Play, CS_4 and CS_5 cross server group will be merged, that is to say, players from these 2 groups can play Instant Play together.

CS_4: Mercury, Sunshine, Volcano, Crystal, HangingGardens, Virgo, Lucky7, Warlord, Legends

CS_5: Dragon, Lion, Venus, Kylin, Basilisk, Scorpio, SnowWhite, SummerWind, TwilightDance, ScentSword


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