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Patch 6599: House Table CrowdFunding Refund NPC, New Cross-server Groups and More

Date: 2017-10-12 00:07 Source: Official Views:

We're glad to announce that Patch 6599 will be released on October 12th.

Note: You must be sure that the client is completely closed before patching, otherwise the patch may not be installed correctly and you won't be able to login the game.

Highlights of Patch 6599

House Table CrowdFunding Refund NPC
House Table CrowdFunding refund NPC will be updated.

New Expansion Material Update
Some new expansion material will be updated.

New Cross-server Groups
New cross-server groups will be updated.

Giant Chasm Teleport Bug Fixed
The bug that low level character can be teleported to Giant Chasm map is fixed.

Wrong Item Description Corrected
Some wrong item description in Bound Item Carnival will be corrected.

Promotion Pop Up Update
New promotion pop up will be updated, you will see it when logging into game for the first time in a day.

New Items in Poker Store
New items will be added in Poker Store.

CO Poker Club