(US Server)
(EU Server)

Patch 6563: Eid al-Fitr Silver Rush Removal, Summer Fun Events and NPC Removal

Date: 2017-07-05 17:54 Source: Official Views:

We're glad to announce that Patch 6563 (Mac-1855) will be released on July 6th.

Note: You must be sure that the client is completely closed before patching, otherwise the patch may not be installed correctly and you won’t be able to login the game.

Highlights of Patch 6563 (Mac-1855)

Eid al-Fitr Silver Rush Removal
Eid al-Fitr Silver Rush will be ended ahead of schedule on July 6th.

Summer Fun Events
Summer Fun Events will be from July 8th to July 21st, players can join the events outside Twin City then.

NPC Removal
New Moon Celebration Sales NPCs will be removed.

CO Poker Club