(US Server)
(EU Server)

Ultimate Team Building

Duration: Mar. 19th 00:00 - April 2nd 23:59

Requirement: Team Leaders (Level 120+ 2nd Reborn), Team Members (Level 120+). New servers opened in March cannot participate in Team Building.

  • Log your account in to the Ultimate Team Building event page.
  • 2nd Reborn Level 120+ players can create a team and name the team.
  • The event page will display the friend list, and each team leader can invite 4 Level 120+ heroes to your team.
  • The heroes who have been invited will receive an invitation in-game, and every hero can choose whether or not to accept the invitation. Once you accept an invitation of one team, you cannot accept invitations from other teams.
  • All heroes who haven't joined a team can send up to 10 requests to team leaders, per day. Once your request is approved, you will join a team.
  • Once you join a team, you will NOT be allowed to quit. If you transfer to another server or delete your character, your character will remain on the team.
CO Poker Club