Note: There may still be changes before the event is released, please refer to the final version.
Duration: July 11th to July 31st
During the event, you will get CPs (B) rebates for certain amount of CPs credited, check out the details below.
Accumulated CPs Credited
CPs You Need to Credit for Each Rebate
Rebate Rewards
1,500 CPs
1,500 CPs
1,000 CPs (B)
4,000 CPs
2,500 CPs
2,000 CPs (B)
10,000 CPs
6,000 CPs
48,00 CPs (B)
20,000 CPs
10,000 CPs
8,000 CPs (B)
50,000 CPs
30,000 CPs
24,000 CPs (B)
100,000 CPs
50,000 CPs
40,000 CPs (B)
160,000 CPs
60,000 CPs
50,000 CPs (B)