Level Request: Level 40+
- Heroes can talk with Giant Loki(Twin City 449,412) to transport to dimension of Osgard.

- Warlord Tyre(166,162) will provide you some information about Osgard. Tyre ask you to detect the Osgard army.

- When you detect dead Osgard Soldier, 4 monsters appear and attack you. And then Nether Wraith will appear once heroes defeat all monsters
- Heroes need to talk with Athena to improve your power to defeat Lucis, Karura and Minos.
- Talk with Great King Austin to get Glory Storm Hammer Hammer and Shadow Flash Axe. Now, you need to defeat Hader to save Asgard.

- Once you defeat Hader, heroes will receive Thunder Striker red rune and blue rune.