(US Server)
(EU Server)

Infinite Tower


Feb. 9th to Feb. 22nd 

Director of Century Tower

Level 100+

Tower Floors:
100 floors

Runes(B), Mount Armors(B), Stones(B), Radiant Star Stone, etc.

The Century Tower is now open to elites to improve their fighting skills. Go defeat devils in the tower and loot their treasures. Century Tower challenge and rewards will reset on the next day after you cleared the 100th floor.


1. Visit Director of Century Tower to take the quest.

2. The Century Tower is now open to elites to improve their fighting skills. Go defeat devils in the tower and loot their treasures!

3. The floors must be cleared in a sequence, starting with the first floor. You can re-challenge the floors you`ve cleared.

4. You can challenge each floor once a day, and have up to 5 free challenges in a day.

5. Every 5 floors you clear at the first time will bring you a clearance reward Box.

6. The higher the floor, the better the reward.

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