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Origin Server - Class PK War

Class PK War
Sign-up: 19:15-19:30 every Monday
Match: starting at 19:30 every Monday and lasting for one hour.
+6 Stone (B), Sacred Refinery Pack, etc.
Available Server
All servers
Chances of Claiming Rewards
Twin City
(function, name, location)
Name: Class PK Envoy
Location: [Twin City] (308,141)
Function: sign-up and entrance
Brief Walkthrough
Class PK War will start at 19:30 every Monday and lasts for an hour.
2. Heroes above level 120 can talk to Class PK Envoy to sign up 15 minutes before the contest starts. You cannot sign up after 19:30.
3. The only one hero who remains undefeated is the winner and can claim the corresponding reward.
Detailed Walkthrough
  Every Monday night at 19:30 in Twin City, Class PK War will give you a chance to show off your strength, and it will be a great opportunity for you to make a name for yourself. Check out the details at Class PK Envoy!
  Class PK Envoy will tell you the detailed rules of the PK War and also the schedule for different classes.
  Heroes above level 120 can talk to Class PK Envoy to sign up 15 minutes before the contest starts. You cannot sign up after 19:30.
  Remember the schedule and seize the best opportunity to show your strength!
  Heroes will receive reminders before the contest starts and they will be sent to the PK map if they want to participate.
  Or you can talk to Class PK Envoy to enter the PK map.
  You've arrived at the PK map. Grab your weapon to fight!
  You win the match after defeating all opponents! Then you can claim rewards from Class PK Escort. If you want to leave, just talk to the Class PK Escort.
  Strength and pride are reflected in this dazzling halo!
  The crimson Trojan Honor Halo shows the aura of the king!

  The fiery Fire Taoist Honor Halo is the sign of commanding flames in the whole world!
  The golden Warrior Honor Halo is telling the world of your victory!
  The green Archer Honor Halo is for the best archer!
  The blue Water Taoist Honor Halo represents your great healing power.
  The purple Ninja Honor Halo sketches out the beautiful flower of death!
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