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Bound Item Carnival - CP Exchange

Note: There may still be changes before the event is released, please refer to the final version.

Christmas Candy
Duration: December 4th to December 31st 
NPC: CP Exchange Envoy at Twin City (355,472)
There are 3 stages of CP exchange, you can exchange for up to 500,000 Bound CPs. Please check out the details below. 
Exchange Rate
Total CPs (B) You Can Exchange in the Stage
1st Stage
You can choose to exchange 1,000 CPs for 3,000 CPs (B) or exchange 10,000 CPs for 30,000 CPs (B).
90,000 CPs (B)
2nd Stage
You can choose to exchange 1,000 CPs for 4,000 CPs (B) or exchange 10,000 CPs for 40,000 CPs (B).
160,000 CPs (B)
3rd Stage
You can choose to exchange 1,000 CPs for 5,000 CPs (B) or exchange 10,000 CPs for 50,000 CPs (B).
250000 CPs (B)
Note: You must finish the CP exchange in a stage first to enter the next stage. For example, for the 1st stage, you need to exchange to get all the 90,000 Bound CPs first, then you can start the exchange in 2nd stage.  

CO Poker Club