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Live Support Renamed to Help Desk

Date: Nov 04 2008 23:07:44 Source: Official Views:

Dear Players,

To avoid any confusion, Conquer team decided to rename Live Support service to Help Desk.

To make customer service more efficient, we ask that you read the following information very carefully. Help Desk can not handle all your issues, however, all of our representatives will gladly direct you to the appropriate person and/or department which can. Thank you.

Help Desk: This service team CAN help you with resolving issues related to: installation, server problems, the breaking of in-game rules, reporting other players, bugs, characters, rules, gameplay, and other low priority issues.

Help Desk CAN NOT handle issues related to:

Hacking: The Hack Case Team alone handles these issues. Please file the hack cases on the site first: After the case is filed on the site, our GM who handles your case will get back to you in 5 business days. If you cannot file the case on the site, please email service(at) the full information required on the site.

Account issue: Account Issues are not handled by our Help Desk team, ensuring each player's security and privacy. Please file the account issues on the site: If you cannot file the case on the site, please email acct(at) the information required on the site.

Banned Issues: These issues can only be resolved by the person who banned your account. Please ask your representative who banned your account and how to get in touch with that person.

Payment: All the issues related to payment are tracked on the forum:

Thanks for your support to Conquer Online.