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Monk's Tokens

Server Time: Nov 25th 1:00- Dec 9th 1:00
Requirement: None
NPC: Buddhist Zen (Twin City, 451,350)


1, The new class Monk will soon come around, the Buddha in the world of Conquer has scattered many Monk's Tokens for the players. Hurry up to collect the tokens from the monsters and swap for the Unbound Monk's equipments!
2, You can get the details from Buddhist Zen (Twin City, 451,350).


1, You can only at most get 100 Tokens a day.
2, There are 1 Elite equipment, 5 Unique equipments and 10 Refined equipments at: 0:00-6:00, 6:00-12:00, 12:00-18:00 and 18:00-24:00. The unexchanged Zen Tokens can be exchanged in the next exchange phase for equipment. However, they will not be reserved for the next day.