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  • [不显示在首页的quest] Origian Server - Main Quests List 日期:2024-01-24 15:41:15 点击:172 好评:0

    Novice Village Quests Quest Requirement Quest Description Completion Requirement Reward Novice Guide 1 Lv. 10 (0 Reb.) Elder Guide is expecting you. Go have a chat! Talk toElder Guide. EXP, 3 Master CP (B) Boxes Novice Guide 2 Lv. 15 (0 Reb.) Caring Village Head is happy to see you and wants to have a talk with you. Talk toCaring Village Head. EXP Novice Guide 3 Lv. 20 (0 Reb.) Anonymous Taoist wants to meet you. Talk toAnonymous Taoist. EXP, 1 +2 Steed Pack (B) Novice Guide 4 Lv. 30 (0 Reb.) General Yang wants to meet you. Talk toGeneral Yang. 1 Gear Pack, 10 Meteors (B), 300 Twin City Gates (B) Wind Plain Quests Quest Requirement Quest Description Completion Requirement Reward Letter Delivery1 Lv. 40 (0 Reb.) Talk to TC Vice Captain to see if theres anything you can do to help. Talk toTC Vice Captain. EXP, 1 5-day +3 Stone (B), 30 Meteors (B), 5 Panaceas (B) Letter Delivery2 TC Vice Captain needs to send an urgent letter, which cannot be sent out without 1 Turtledove Plume. Please hunt Turtledoves to bring back 1 Turtledove Plume. Bring back 1 Turtledove Plume. Letter Delivery3 Give the Plume Letter to Warden Xu Liang in Wind Plain. Givethe Plume Letter to Warden Xu Liang. Love Confession1 Lv. 45 (0 Reb.) Xu Liang has been occupied with important duties. He would like to seek for your assistance with some personal matters. Talk toXu Liang. EXP, 1 Super Riding Crop(B), 1 5-day +3 Stone(B), 50 Meteors (B) Love Confession2 Xu Liang has a crush on Ru Hua, but he is afraid to confess. He needs you to pick 9 peach blossoms so that he can make a bouquet to express his feelings. Pick 9 peach blossoms. Love Confession3 Xu Liangis waiting for the 9peach blossoms. Give the peach blossoms to Xu Liang. Love in Handkerchief1 Lv. 50 (0 Reb.) Ru Hua has been looking sad lately. Go ask her if she needs any help. Talk toRu Hua. EXP, 15-day +3 Stone(B), 100 Meteors (B) Love in Handkerchief2 After receiving Xu Liangs bouquet, Ru Hua wanted to give him a handkerchief as a response to his feelings. However, Apparition attacked her and stole the handkerchief. Help her retrieve the handkerchief! Retrievethe handkerchief. Love in Handkerchief3 The handkerchief is intact. Take it back to Ru Hua. Take the handkerchief back to Ru Hua. Love in Handkerchief4 Ru Hua was scared by Apparition. Please help her deliver the handkerchief to Xu Liang. Deliver the handkerchief to Xu Liang. Maple Forest Quests Quest Requirement Quest Description Completion Requirement Reward Bandits PlotI Lv. 55 (0 Reb.) There are rumors that a group of Horse Bandits are hiding in Water Curtain Cave, plotting to launch a night attack on Phoenix Castle. Forest Governor hopes that you can go investigate and strengthen the citys defenses. Talk toForestGovernor. EXP, 1 Unique Heaven Fan(B), 1 5-day +4 Stone (B), 50 Meteors (B), 5 Panaceas (B) Bandits PlotII Investigate. Bandits PlotIII Give the secret letter to ForestGovernor. Bandits PlotIV Strengthen CityDefense. Bandits PlotV Report to ForestGovernor. Campaign Against Bandits1 Lv. 58 (0 Reb.) Captain of Phoenix Castle ordered to launch an immediate campaign against bandits! Talk toForestGovernor. EXP, 1 5-day +4 Stone (B), 50 Meteors (B) Campaign Against Bandits2 Defeat5 HorseBandits. Campaign Against Bandits3 Report to ForestGovernor. Father Son1 Lv. 63 (0 Reb.) Tiger wants to collect 10 Spirit Teeth from Fire Spirits so that he can make a necklace for his son. Talk toTiger. EXP, 1 5-day +5 Stone (B), 300 Meteors (B) Father Son2 Obtain3 SpiritTeeth. Father Son3 GiveSpirit Teeth to Tiger. Love Canyon Quests Quest Requirement Quest Description Completion Requirement Reward Stone Apes Trouble1 Lv. 67 (0 Reb.) Stone Ape is regarded as an alien by other Macaques. Please ask Solar Saint about his birth. Talk toStoneApe. EXP,1 SuperStar Tower (B), 1 5-day +5 Stone (B), 100 Meteors (B), 5 Panaceas (B) Stone Apes Trouble2 Talk toSolarSaint. Stone Apes Trouble3 DriveawayMacaque. Stone Apes Trouble4 GiveStoneApethewater in Divine Calix. Lack of WoodI Lv. 70 (0 Reb.) Carpenter Jack said he lacked wood for repairing the wooden bridge. Could you please meet Jack Daniel ask him for some wood? Talk toCarpenterJack. EXP, 1 5-day +6 Stone (B), 100 Meteors (B) Lack of WoodII Claim wood from JackDaniel. Lack of WoodIII DriveawayThunderApes. Lack of WoodIV Report to Jack Daniel. Lack of WoodV Submit wood to Carpenter Jack. Comprehensive Clearance1 Lv. 75 (0 Reb.) Captor Cooke asks you to collect the corpses of Snakemen and put them at the specific place to bring out the Snakeman Elder and Heresy Elder. Then kill them to complete the quest! Talk toCaptorCooke. EXP, 1 5-day +6 Stone (B),500 Meteors (B) Comprehensive Clearance2 Put a Snakeman corpse in the Snake domain to bring out and defeat the Snakeman Elder. Put a Heresy Snakeman corpse in the Heresy Snake domain to bring out and defeat the Heresy Elder. Comprehensive Clearance3 Report to CaptorCooke. Desert Quests Quest Requirement Quest Description Completion Requirement Reward Green Withered Trees1 Lv. 80 (0 Reb.) Please find Taoist Yu and ask him if there is a way to green the withered trees. Talk to Lotus. EXP, 1 5-day +7 Stone (B), 300 Meteors (B), 5 Ginsengs (B) Green Withered Trees2 Talk toTaoistYu. Green Withered Trees3 Defeat SandMonsterto obtain a Sand Blocker, and then give it to TaoistYuto make Healing Water. Green Withered Trees4 Give Healing Water toLotus. Rescue Followers1 Lv. 85 (0 Reb.) Ke Yulun saw five followers being devoured by Sand Monsters L68. Please kill Sand Monsters L68 and rescue those followers. After you rescue them, go back to inform Ke Yulun. Talk to Ke Yulun. EXP,1 5-day +7 Stone (B), 300 Meteors (B) Rescue Followers2 Defeat SandMonsterL68to rescue followers. Rescue Followers3 Talk to Ke Yulun. Carve Stele1 Lv. 90 (0 Reb.) Sculptor Hes chisel has broken! I heard that the Sharp Axe carried by the Blade Ghost is suitable for carving. Please go to obtain one for him. Talk toSculptorHe. EXP, 1 5-day +8 Stone (B), 1000 Meteors (B) Carve Stele2 Defeat BladeGhostto obtain the Sharp Axe. Carve Stele3 Give Sharp Axe to SculptorHe. Bird Island Quests Quest Requirement Quest Description Completion Requirement Reward Wifes Concern1 Lv. 95 (0/1st Reb.) Wealthy Wans Wife said her husband was obsessed with his dream of flying. Please kill 3 BirdmenL88 gathered outside the city. Talk toWealthyWansWife. EXP, 1 5-day +8 Stone (B), 500 Meteors (B), 5 Ginsengs (B) Wifes Concern2 Defeat 5 BirdmenL88. Wifes Concern3 Talk to Wealthy Wans Wife. Check Guarding Stone1 Lv. 100 (0/1st Reb.) Truth Taoist has placed Guarding Stones on several islands. Please have a patrol to ensure the safety of the Guarding Stones. Talk toTruthTaoist. EXP,1 5-day +8 Stone (B), 500 Meteors (B) Check Guarding Stone2 Check GuardingStones. Check Guarding Stone3 Talk to Truth Taoist. Retrieve Food1 Lv. 105 (0/1st Reb.) Retrieve 5pieces of Preserved Ham stolen by BanditsL97 for Soldiers Mother. Talk toSoldiersMother. EXP,1 5-day +8 Stone (B), 1500 Meteors (B), 3 Participation Tokens (B), 5 Sword Souls(B), 3 Oblivion Dews(B) Retrieve Food2 Defeat BanditsL97to retrieve 5 pieces ofPreservedHam. Retrieve Food3 Give the Preserved Ham back toSoldiersMother. Frozen Grotto Quests Quest Requirement Quest Description Completion Requirement Reward Grotto Exploration1 Lv. 110 (2nd Reb.) There are always strange sounds in the Frozen Grotto. Please go to investigate for Frozen Grotto Guardian. Talk toFrozen Grotto Guardian. 100 Meteors (B),5 Ginsengs (B) Grotto Exploration2 Defeat IcyBladeDevil. Grotto Exploration3 Report toFrozenGrottoGuardian. Eliminate Monster1 Lv. 110 (2nd Reb.) Frozen Grotto Guardian asks you to use Ratling Meat to lure Serpents out and eliminate them in one fell swoop. Talk to Frozen Grotto Guardian. 100 Meteors (B) Eliminate Monster2 Put RatlingMeatto lure Serpents out and eliminate them. Eliminate Monster3 Report to Frozen Grotto Guardian. Look for Kobe1 Lv. 110 (2nd Reb.) Aunts grandson Kobe is missing. Please go to Frozen Grotto to look for him. Talk toAunt. 100 Meteors (B) Look for Kobe2 Go to Frozen Grotto to find Kobe. Look for Kobe3 Bring Kobe back to Aunt. Dungeon Quests Quest Requirement Quest Description Completion Requirement Reward Ancient Dungeon1 Lv. 110 (2nd Reb.) Scholars in Conquer know little about the Dungeon. Please go to explore the Dungeon and bring back some information. Talk toScholar. 100 Meteors (B),5 Ginsengs (B) Ancient Dungeon2 Explore Dungeon. Ancient Dungeon3 Talk toScholar. Missing Necklace1 Lv. 110 (2nd Reb.) Grave Robber entered the Dungeon to find treasures, but soon he was attacked by Tomb Bats and lost his necklace. Please find his necklace. Talk toGraveRobber. 100 Meteors (B) Missing Necklace2 Find the necklace. Missing Necklace3 Give the necklace to GraveRobber. Strange Merchant1 Lv. 110 (2nd Reb.) A customer ordered a batch of Bull Horn from Merchant. Please go to the Dungeon and collect 5 Bull Horns for him. Talk toMerchant. 100 Meteors (B) Strange Merchant2 Collect5BullHorns. Strange Merchant3 Submit Bull Horns to Merchant....

  • [不显示在首页的quest] Origin Server - The Nature of Life 日期:2024-01-24 15:34:28 点击:78 好评:0

    Event: The Nature of Life Duration: Long-term Requirement: Level 95 (1st Rebirth) NPC: Astral Master (Market 293,226) Details: After years of seclusion, Astral Master finally understood the nature and power of life. You can meet Astral Master (Market 293,226)to take the challenge and obtain Mystery Fruits and Random Attribute Tokens. You can take the challenge alone or build a 3-member team to challenge. You can only challenge once a week. Tips: 1.Collect all 4 types of attribute tokens to make 1 Mystery Fruit, which, when taken, can increase character attributes....

  • [不显示在首页的quest] Origin Server - Bounty Quests 日期:2024-01-24 15:18:01 点击:176 好评:0

    Quest: Bounty Quest Duration: Long-term Requirement: Level 105+ (1st Rebirth) NPC: Name: Simmon Location: Wind Plain (310,365) Details: 1 Participation Tokens are back! By purging Pheasants outside the city or participating in Boss Hunt (killing Terato Dragon, Snow Banshee, and Snake King), you will have a chance to get the token. 2.Then you can meet Simmon to use the Participation Token to take the Bounty Quest in Twin City, up to 3 times a day (costing 1 token each time). 3.You can also use the Participation Token to participate in Weekly PK WarandMonthly PK War! If you are not interested in the tournament, each Participation Token can be exchanged for 500-minute EXP. Detailed Rewards: Bounty Quest Reward 533333333 EXP 40 Meteors (B) 2 +4 Stones (B) 1 Dragon Ball (B) Item: Name: Participation Token Description: Use to join in the match on every Saturday or the first day of every month. You can also exchange it for EXP, or take Bounty Quest from Simmon. Tips: You can get the corresponding reward each time you complete the Bounty Quest....

  • [不显示在首页的quest] Origin Server - New Area Treasure Hunt 日期:2024-01-24 14:55:17 点击:150 好评:0

    Event: New Area Treasure Hunt Duration: Long-term Requirement: Unlimited Button : Treasure Hunt Details: New Area Treasure Hunt includes Love Canyon (New Area), Desert City (New Area), Bird Island (New Area), and Dungeon Wine Region. These areas will spawn a large number of monsters, and you will have a higher chance of receiving generous rewards after defeating them. Please go to the corresponding area for your level to hunt, or the drop rate will be lowered by 10 times! Besides, the chance of obtaining rewards will be increased by 5 timesfrom 19:00 to 20:00 every day! Area Corresponds to Level Love Canyon (New Area) Below Lv. 90 (1st Reb.) Desert City (New Area) Lv. 90 (1st Reb.)to Lv. 110 (2nd Reb.) Bird Island (New Area) Lv. 110+ (2nd Reb.) Dungeon Wine Region Lv. 120+(2nd Reb.)...

  • [不显示在首页的quest] Origin Server - Meteor Arena 日期:2024-01-24 14:30:58 点击:120 好评:0

    Event: Meteor Arena Duration: Long-term Requirement: Level 80 (0 Rebirth) NPC: Zara (TwinCity 257,242) Details: If heroes from all over the world gather and compete, it will surely be a grand event! Zara(TwinCity257,242)has set up the Meteor Arena and prepared many rewards for you! In Meteor Arena, defeating a common monster earns 1 point; defeating an elite monster earns 5 points; defeating a boss earns 50 points. Meteor Arena has 3 floors, so the PK Point rules for each floor are a bit different. Meteor Arena PK Point Rules Floor 1 If a hero is defeated, he won`t lose points. Defeating other hunters earns you 10 points and an additional 20% of their current points. Floor 2 If a hero is defeated, he won`t lose points. Defeating other hunters earns you 10 points and an additional 20% of their current points. Floor 3 If a hero is defeated, he will lose 20% of the current points; defeating other hunters earns you 10 points and an additional 20% of their current points. On Floor 1, when your points reach or exceed 100, 100 points will automatically be consumed to enter the next level. On Floor 2, when your points reach or exceed 200, 100 points will automatically be consumed to enter the next level. After each round of competition, a ranking for that round will be displayed. Only heroes who enter Floor 3 can get listed on the rankings. There are 4 rounds of competition in Meteor Arena every day, and you can only participate in the competition once a day! Competition Time: 13:00--13:15 16:00--16:15 19:00--19:15 22:00--22:15 Tips: 1.Collect all 4 types of attribute tokens to make 1 Mystery Fruit, which, when taken, can increase character attributes. Detailed Rewards: Competition Reward Reaching Floor 2 5 Meteors (B) Reaching Floor 3 5 Meteors (B) Defeating common/elite monsters possibly 1 Meteor (B) Delivering the final blow to a boss 10 Meteors (B) Ranking Reward for Floor 3 No.1 30 Meteors and 1 Dragon Ball No.2 20 Meteors No.3 10 Meteors No.4-10 5 Meteors (B)...

  • [不显示在首页的quest] Origin Server - Demon Hunt 日期:2024-01-24 14:21:34 点击:108 好评:0

    Event: Demon Hunt Duration: Long-term Requirement: Unlimited NPC: Yun Feihe (Serpent`sArroyo 527,556) Details: You can use 1 Arroyo Scroll to enter Serpent`s Arroyo, and then meet Yun Feihe (Serpent`s Arroyo527,556) to learn about the rules of Demon Hunt. Every 1 Snakeman you kill earns you 10 Evil Points; if defeated by another hero,You can carry up to 10,000 Evil Points. Submit Evil Points to Yun Feihe to convert them into Demon Hunt Points, allowing you to get on the Demon Hunt Ranking. Daily Demon Hunt Ranking rewards are distributed every other day. If you are defeated by another hero, 1% of your Evil Points will be plundered. Before reaching the Demon Hunt Ranking, being defeated won`t cause a loss of Demon Hunt Points. The top 10 heroes on the Demon Hunt Ranking, if defeated, will lose 1% of their points. Every day, Demon Hunt Points are distributed among heroes based on the proportion of their Demon Hunt Points to the total server points, with a total of Demon Coins up for grabs. Demon Coins can be used to exchange for various rewards in the Demon Hunt Store. Tips: 1.You can only stay in Serpent`s Arroyo 30 minutes each time. Detailed Rewards: Demon Hunt Ranking Reward No.1 5 Random +Stone Packs(B), 3 Meteor Scrolls (B), 1 P7 Weapon Soul Fragment (B) and 1 P7 Equipment Soul Fragment (B). No.2-3 4 Random +Stone Packs (B), 3 Meteor Scrolls (B) and 1 P7 Weapon Soul Fragment (B). No.4-6 3 Random +StonePacks (B), 3 Meteor Scrolls (B) and 1 P7 Equipment Soul Fragment (B). No.7-10 3 Random +Stone Packs (B) and 3 Meteor Scrolls (B)....

  • [不显示在首页的quest] Origin Server - Boss Hunt 日期:2024-01-24 14:11:40 点击:96 好评:0

    Quest: Boss Hunt Duration: Long-term Requirement: Level 60 Button: Boss Hunt Details: 1.Sword Master You can go to your territory and use 1 Sword Soul to summon the Sword Master. Defeating Sword Master will earn you abundant rewards. You can only summon it once a day. If you successfully summon the Sword Master but do not defeat it, and upgrade the house during this time, you cannot summon again until the server maintenance is over. You will not be able to defeat the Sword Master if there is server maintenance during your battle, and you will have to wait until the next day to summon again. 2.Thrilling Spook Black Burrow is home to the terrifying Thrilling Spook. If you can kill it, youll be rewarded. You can meet Heavenly Master (TwinCity 243,214) and choose to go to the Black Burrow alone or in a team. Once you arrive at Black Burrow, talk to Earth Master (BlackBurrow 038,023) to summon the Thrilling Spook, which can only be challenged once per day. 3.Terato Dragon If you use the Dragon Pill at Frozen Grotto 6F, you can summon the Terato Dragon. Please defeat it to win great rewards. You will also receive an extra reward if you make it to the DMG ranking. 4.Snow Banshee If you find Alcoholist (Dungeon 674,342), give him a bottle of Health Wine to enter the Dungeon Wine Region. In the Dungeon Wine Region, you need to defeat the Bloody Devils to collect enough blood to unseal and summon Snow Banshee. Defeating Snow Banshee will earn you a lot of rewards, and if you make it to the DMG ranking, you will also get extra surprise rewards....

  • [不显示在首页的quest] Origin Server - Evil Labyrinth 日期:2024-01-24 11:59:58 点击:118 好评:0

    Quest: Evil Labyrinth Duration: Long-term Requirement: Level 100+ (2nd Rebirth) NPC: Name: Simon Location: Twin City (261,134) Function: quest guide Details: 1. Meet Simon in Twin City to learn about details of the event. You can use the Labyrinth Permit (obtained by completing Captors quest) to enter the Labyrinth. 2. There are 4 floors in the labyrinth. Please kill monsters on each floor to obtain Sun Diamonds, Moon Diamonds, Star Diamonds, and Cloud Diamonds. Go to a specific place to use the Treasure Map or kill the boss to obtain 5 corresponding diamonds. 17 diamonds can be used to compose into 1 Solar Chest/1 Crescent Chest/1 Starry Chest/1 Cloud Chest. Besides, you can collect Solar Crystals, Lunar Crystals, Starry Crystals, and Cloud Crystals to obtain Yang Jades and other items. The chests and crystals can only be composed into 3 times a week. 3. Killing Gold Ghosts, Agile Rats, and Fiend Bats on the first 3 floors grants you a chance to obtain a Sky Token, an Earth Token, and a Soul Token respectively. Take the token to the General on the floor to go to the next floor. 4. There is not just one way to pass through each floor of the labyrinth. If you are a VIP, there is a chance for you to be teleported to the next floor for free. Details are as follows: VIP1: Can enter the next floor of Labyrinth for free once every 7 days. VIP2: Can enter the next floor of Labyrinth for free once every 6 days. VIP3: Can enter the next floor of Labyrinth for free once every 5 days. VIP4: Can enter the next floor of Labyrinth for free once every 4 days. VIP5: Can enter the next floor of Labyrinth for free once every 3 days. VIP6: Can enter the next floor of Labyrinth for free once every 2 days. If you have the Labyrinth Permit, submit it to the General on the first 3 floors, then you can go to the next floor. Rewards: Chest Content Solar Chest Open to get 2 Meteor Scrolls (B) and 1 Dragon Ball (B). Crescent Chest Open to get 3 Meteor Scrolls (B) and 1 Dragon Ball (B). Starry Chest Open to get 4 Meteor Scrolls (B) and 2 Dragon Balls (B). Cloud Chest Open to get 5 Meteor Scrolls (B), 2 Dragon Balls (B), with a chance to get an extra Dragon Ball (B)....

  • [不显示在首页的quest] Origin Server - Family Feud 日期:2024-01-24 11:49:52 点击:53 好评:0

    Event : Family Feud Duration: Long-term Requirement: Level 110+ (2nd Rebirth) NPC: Name: Winged Snake Location: Island (465,201) Function: quest guide Details: 1. You can go to the island where the Snake King settles through the Winged Snake on Island. 2. Snake King is lying on the upper island. You can jump on the lotus leaves to go to other islands. Each lotus leaf can only withstand one person. If someone stands in your way, you will need to defeat him to pass. You can also pay 1 CP to activate the Portal Rock and teleport directly to the next island, or pay 10 CPs to activate the Portal Rock and teleport directly to Snake King. Note: You will receive 3 Meteors (B) for paying 1 CP to teleport. 3. Snake King will appear every hour on the hour. When defeated, it will drop Dragon Balls (B), +3 Stones (B), Silver, and other rewards....

  • [不显示在首页的event] Origin Server - Abyssland 日期:2024-01-23 18:17:26 点击:179 好评:0

    Event : Abyssland Duration: Long-term Requirement: Level 110+ (2nd Rebirth) NPC: Name: Yu Koon Location: Love Canyon (531,482) Abyssland (788,809) Function: quest guide Name: Hau Kan Location: Abyssland (770,809) Function: reward claiming Name: Jackery Location: Abyssland (789,785) Function: quest guide , reward claiming Name: Victory Chest Location: Abyssland (769, 808) Function: reward claiming Details: 1. Players can go to Abyssland through Yu Koon or the event panel. PK Points will increase in Abyssland and players can only use the Penitence Amulet once every 30 minutes. 2. When players have Luck Points, they can defeat monsters in Abyssland daily to obtain precious treasures and consume 10 Luck Points. After Luck Points are depleted, defeating monsters will only grant normal treasures. By defeating 100 monsters in Abyssland, players can open a box to obtain treasures such as 5-day +4 Stones (B) and Dragon Balls (B). This box can be opened once a day. ※ At 00:00 every day, Luck Points will be replenished to 100, inheriting 80% of the remaining Luck Points from the previous day, up to a maximum of 250 points. 3. There is a chance to obtain Ghost Grasses in Abyssland by defeating the monsters, which can be exchanged for treasures with Hau Kan. 4. There is also a chance to obtain Jades of Faith by defeating the monsters in Abyssland. By submitting 30 Jades of Faith to the Deity Altar, players can participate in the competition for a higher rank. Players who make it to the ranking can obtain a large amount of Soul Scrolls. 5. By talking to Cobb Wind, players can learn about the when and where the boss appears. Defeating the boss can yield rich rewards. 6. Defeating various monsters in Abyssland can earn players demon-slaying achievements. Being killed will result in a 20% loss of demon-slaying achievements. The Abyssland Leaderboard is based on the demon-slaying achievements, and the top-ranked hero will be the Abyssland Leader the next day. Demon-slaying achievements will be reset at 00:00 daily. Monster Demon-slaying Achievement Queen of Evil 1000 demon-slaying achievements Other Bosses 300 demon-slaying achievements Robber Sprite 30 demon-slaying achievements Common Monster 1 demon-slaying achievement Tips: 1. You can claim 3 stacks of Bliss from Jackery every day. Defeating other heroes in Abyssland will grant 1 stack of Bliss. The more the stacks of Bliss, the higher the chance of obtaining drops, up to a maximum of 9 stacks. 2. Each time Bliss is gained, it lasts for 5 minutes, and the duration resets to 5 minutes when the stack increases....

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