Rebirth & Reincarnation - Because One Life is Never Enough!


Items After Rebirth

Your equipment will be reborn with you. However, they will revert to low level – so you will still be able to equip and use them again.
If you don't like that, you need to un-equip them before rebirth and keep them in warehouse.

Caps, Hats & Helmets: Will revert to a Level 15 or Level 20 headgear which is up to your current class.

Armor, Coats & Robes: Will revert to a Level 15 or Level 20 Armor which is up to your current class.

Bracelets, Rings & Bracers: Will revert to a Level 15 or Level 20 Bracelets, rings or bracers which is up to your current class.

Bags, Earrings & Necklaces: Will revert to a Level 15 or Level 20 bags, earrings or necklaces which is up to your current class

Boots: Will revert to Ox Hide Boots (Level 10).

Shields: Will revert to a Soft Shield (Level 40) and automatically be stored in your inventory.

Bows: Will be reverted to a Mulberry Bow (Level 20).

Weapons: Will be reverted to the appropriate weapon of lower power (level 15).