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CO's New Expansion: Trojan-inspired Skills Part II

Date: 2019-06-16 04:28 Source: Official Views:
The new expansion Inspired Trojans is coming!
Here is part II of Trojan-inspired skills.
As [Scent Sword] mentioned last time, [Phoenix] is also a popular sword-based skill for Trojan. After the inspiration, [Phoenix] will summon a sword from the sky terrifying enemies and shining brightly. The extra air damage caused by [Phoenix] will also be increased during the attack.
[Roamer], a skill for Trojan equipped a whip, will also be polished after the inspiration. Casting the skill will release a fire phoenix and deal extremely high damage on enemies nearby.
Besides these old skills improved for Trojans, we will soon reveal some new skills related to the Weapon Archives.
Note: The content mentioned above are only for reference.

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