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Mr. & Ms. Conquer 2015 All Set! Rewards Revealed!

Date: 2015-02-12 23:46 Source: Official Views:

As exciting as it gets, the Mr. & Ms. Conquer 2015 will begin right after the maintenance on Feb. 13th! With the rules available for view, the CO team is glad to give you a closer look at what the rewards look like!

Special Halo for Mr. & Ms. Conquer 2015
The special, exclusively designed halo for the Mr. & Ms. Conquer 2015 is as amazing as the title. Let's check out what it will look like in-game!

Rewards For The Top 3 Players of Each Server.
The top 3 players of each server who receive the most flowers or items (including Beer, Kisses, Love Letters and Jades) will be rewarded with the items displayed, below.


Reward for Mr. Conquer

Reward for Ms. Conquer


A Fox Charm(Male) Hairstyle, a 30-day 1% Blessed Phoenix Legend

A Fox Charm(Female) Hairstyle, a 30-day 1% Blessed Rod of Roses


A Lover's Hat(Male) Hairstyle, a 30-day 1% Blessed Phoenix Legend

A Lover's Hat(Female) Hairstyle, a 30-day 1% Blessed Rod of Roses


A Lord of War Hairstyle, a 30-day 1% Blessed Phoenix Legend

A Fairy Belle Hairstyle, a 30-day 1% Blessed Rod of Roses

With less than an hour before the event starts, be ready to stock up flowers, beer, kisses, love letters, and jades for the upcoming contest! Let's wait and see who'll be our Mr. Conquer 2015 and Ms. Conquer 2015!


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