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2011 Valentine's Day Events Memory Game

2011 Valentine's Day Events
Rose Garden | Seize the Ark | Memory Game | Valentine Greeting | Darkmoon Demon Slayer

Server Time: Feb 10th - Feb 15th
Requirement: Level 40 and above
Love Messenger (Twin City, 425, 365)
Scholar Hover (Twin City, 447, 439)


Find the Love Messenger (Twin City, 425, 365) to learn more about all of the Valentine's Day Events.

The Love Messenger (Twin City, 425, 365) will send you to talk with Scholar Hover (Twin City, 447, 439) about playing a game. He has 7 friends, who each have different questions for you, but the answer lies in the conversations you will have with the others. Check your Quest panel and click “Event” to find out where they are!

You can get the tokens from all 7 of the friends. Remember to claim your prize from Scholar Hover (Twin City, 447, 439) after you answer all of the questions correctly.

Note: You can only do this quest once a day.