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Help Santa Claus

Server Time: Dec 16th 0:00- Dec 26th 23:59
Requirement: Level 40 or above
Santa Claus (Twin City, 441 388)
Missing Gift (Central Plain, 651 685)
Snowball Maker (Twin City, 351 347)
Party Planner (Central Plain, 484 451)
Wise Elder (Central Plain, 472 451)
Christmas Envoy (Twin City, 446 372)


1. Missing Gift

Talk to Santa Claus and accept the quest. Find his Missing Gift (Central Plain, 651 685) and pick it up. Return the Missing Gift to Santa Claus, and he will reward you with 10 Christmas Coins!

2. Fireworks Shoot Off

Talk to Santa Claus to accept the quest. Set off the fireworks in the correct place, and you will get 10 Christmas coins from Santa Claus, as a reward!

3. Xmas Gift Delivery

Accept the quest from Santa Claus, and he will ask you to deliver some gifts to the Snowball Maker (Twin City, 351 347), Party Planner (Central Plain, 484 451) and Wise Elder (Central Plain, 472 451). You will get 20 Christmas coins when you have successfully delivered all the gifts!

4. Defeat the Xmas Robber

Accept the quest from Santa Claus, and you will be sent to kill the Xmas Robber and his 10 Gift Thieves, hiding out in the Central Plain (599 509). You will be rewarded with 30 Christmas coins, after it is complete.

5. A Grateful Santa Claus

Accept the quest from Santa Claus, and he will ask you to deliver Santa Claus’s letter of appreciation to the Christmas Envoy (Twin City, 446 372), at the end of this Christmas holiday. You can complete the quest after Dec 26th, and will get 50 Christmas coins from Santa Claus, later!


These quests need to be finished within the event time (Dec 16th-Dec 26th) and players can only do them once!