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Christmas True or False

Server Time: Dec 16th 0:00- Jan 5th 23:59
Requirement: None
Wise Elder (Central Plain, 472 451)
Master Mind (Event Map, 151 88)


1. Come to speak with the Wise Elder (Central Plain, 472 451) 10 minutes before the top of every hour, to join in this event. Speak to him, and he will send you to the Lucky Pick Stage.

2. Talk to MasterMind (Event Map, 151 88) to claim a Wisdom Sack, which you can use to check the current question during the event.

3. There are two parts to the stage. The upper one stands for 'True', the lower one stands for 'False'. When the questions show up, you need to stand on the stage that stands for your chosen answer within 60 seconds. If the tornado comes, stand on the stage you think will be safest from the storm! If you choose the wrong answer or are hit by the tornado, you will be sent back to Twin City and be disqualified!

4, If you pass all the questions, claim your reward from MasterMind (Event Map 151. 88)


1. The players who can answer all questions correctly will split the 200 Christmas Coin prize.

2. The event will be available at the top of each hour, but remember you should signup at least 10 minutes before it starts!

3. The event map will only allow 100 players to join in the event, each round. Don’t be late!