[Stories] Walkking in The Rain

Author: nobody2 Date: Jun 24 2009 04:06:46 Views:

This night is so dark.

It's empty, like my heart.

I loved you, but now I can't, because...

I'm walking in the rain and there is no way out.

I want to get away, but I can't, because its so dark.

It's like my life is nothing.

Like my life's cloack is ticking.

Plus you're not by my side, because...

I'm walking in the rain and there is no way out.

I want to get away, but I can't, because its so dark.

But now I see something white.

Is it a holy light?

No, it's you; you're so bright, so warm and kind.

You so good so forgiving to me.

I hug you, you smile.

Then I look back in the rain.

I smile, because I know that I don't have to go back, because...

I'm not walking in the rain, because I found a way.

I did get away, but its still is dark.

To all my fans. I am nobody2. Writer of Stories of Carl, The Legend of Black Arm, Death Zone and Two Heroes parts 1, 2 and 3.

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