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Tom`s New Neighbour part 2

Author:nobody2 Date: Sep 30 2009 02:34:31 Views:

The morning came and Tom woke up. He lust lied there looking at the ceiling. He was thinking what happened yesterday. He was thinking about Lisa. "What a girl. So beautiful, so smart and funny" Tom thought with a big smile on his face.

Then Tom got up. He brushed his teeth and got dressed. Then he went down stairs. "Lisa" he said quietly with his head in the clouds. The someone knocked the door. Part of Tom was still asleep so he just stood there. "Tom it's me, Lisa!" Lisa shouted behind the door. When Tom heard her voice he shook his head and ran to the door. Tom opened the door and saw Lisa. Again her hair was shining in the sunlight. "Hi!" Lisa said happily. "Hi" Tom tried to say, but he started yawning. Lisa laughed. "Can I come in?" she asked and gave Tom a big smile. "Sure" Tom answered and blushed. Lisa stepped in and Tom closed the door. I wanted to ask that would you want to come and eat some breakfast with me?" Lisa explained. Tom scratched his head. "You look confused. Is something wrong?" Lisa asked. "Om... Well... I was just thinking why you wanted to come in if you would ask me to come to eat at your place" Tom said scratching his head. Lisa looked at him. Then she started to laugh. "Your so cute" she said with a smile. "Are you coming or not" she continued. "You have so pretty smile" Tom thought. "Sure, why not" he laughed. Tom opened the door again and they left.

When they got inside Lisa's house Tom was amazed. Everything was so clean and organized. Unlike back in his house. "Well you have got lots of things done in here" Tom said and nodded few times. "Yeah, but something are still in the boxes" Lisa sighed.

They came in the kitchen and Tom noticed lots of food on the table. "Wow, that's allot of food!" he said with his eyes wide open. "Is there too much? I wouldn't want to throw anything away" Lisa asked. "No no we can eat all of that. If we can't you can eat the rest tomorrow" Tom said and sat down. Lisa sat in front of him and they started to eat. Again Lisa made Tom laugh and he made her laugh, but now there was something more between them. There was love between them and Tom could feel it.

After they had finished eating Lisa asked could Tom help her to get all stuff out of the boxes. Of course Tom said yes and they started to pick up stuff from the boxes. Lisa showed Tom were to put each thing and Tom got confused. He placed a painting above the fireplace. "Why did you put that there?" Lisa asked. "Well... Om... I thought you wanted that there" Tom blushed. "The painting of my grandad goes above the fireplace. That goes over there" Lisa explained and pointed the wall next to the stairs. "Oh" Tom said quiet.

After few hours Tom left. Again his head was in the clouds. Then a messenger came to him. "Are you Tom Sha?" the messenger asked. "Yes I am" Tom answered. The messenger gave him a letter and left. Tom read it. He was shocked. Lisa had seen it all and came out. "Tom?" she asked and walked to the man. "What did it say?" Lisa asked. "They are calling me to fight in the Bird Islands against the robbers" Tom said looking at the sky.

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