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The Wolf and I - Part II

Author:Kanani0405 Date: Sep 30 2009 02:31:13 Views:

It didn't come.

Instead, his voice whispered back with a question 'Would you like to join my guild?'

To say I was shocked went beyond any feeling of dread I had had just moments before.

My mind whirled.  I had heard of guilds and had seen some around when visiting the city.  I also knew there were conditions as well as benefits.  To be apart of a guild though...to meet others, form friendships...to be apart of a community, and have a place to belong.  Those far outweighed any disadvantages my muddled mind could think of...then a feeling of suspicion wormed its way into my thoughts.

It was a trick.  It HAD to be a trick.  Guild membership looked lucrative - only for nobility or the rich and sometimes the very strong and I was none of those.  I wasn't strong nor did I have anything of value to bring to a guild.  What living I made went into keeping myself clothed and fed.  My equipment and gear were things that I scraped and cobbled together from what I could find or save up for, which, I guess, was probably why I was passed over by other guilds.  I was beneath their notice, except for some PK fun.

"Why?," I whispered as my heart thudded.

"Hmm?  Why what?"

"W-why me. Why ask me?," my throat uncomfortably tight.

"Why not you?" I could almost sense a smile in his voice.

"Well, you only have to look at me to see that,"  I said, with a little asperity.

"I have.  So?"  A small chuckle laced his reply.

"So, I have nothing to offer.  I'm not powerful - I'm just managing to get by," I replied weakly.

"Power and strength can be important, but not as important as the person you are inside.  That's what counts most of all."

Will I get PKed if I turn down your offer?"  I couldn't hide the trace of timidity that crept into my voice and the question was out before I realized what I had said.

It was then that I heard him laugh - a deep, rich sound that washed over me from my head to my toes and filled me with a strange warmth.

"No - I only go after those who go after my friends and those that are corrupt.  You can have time to think it over if you like,"  amusement lacing his voice.

I-I would," I replied.

"That's fine, just give me a whisper whenever you have your answer ready, little archer," again I could sense a smile.

"Alright," I swallowed, suddenly feeling very thirsty.

As the feeling of being watched faded, I sagged against the cool stone of the gate wall. Giving myself a mental shake and taking a few deep breaths, I straightened and started quickly back towards home, the thought of another hunt forgotten.  If I wanted to reach home before nightfall I would have to hurry.

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