[Stories] Friend, Please Send My Love To Her Part 1

Author: #49Lucian#49 Date: Apr 05 2009 01:55:51 Views:

Part 1 

Everything flashed back as I stand in front of this familiar person-the face in front of me, which I last saw many years ago. How can I forget the same chestnut-colored eyes that twinkle when amused or happy? But his expressive eyes were so sad and I think he's thinner now than the last day I saw him. He's pale and wan but the authoritative aura was still there. This guy is the person I loved way back then. Am I dreaming? I pinched myself. It hurts and I'm not dreaming, it was for real. Wondering how I met him?

I can never forget that fateful day I first caught a glimpse of him. It was my very first day in St. Catherine Academy. I was so nervous being a newcomer there. It was a big high school and I was in 3rd year then. I trembled as I entered the room crowded with unfamiliar faces. I sat beside a guy at the back portion of the room. He's flashed at me a gorgeous smile and I smiled back. I can't help but hold my breath as I looked into his face. He was the most handsome man I ever met. He had chestnut colored eyes and two small dimples on the cheeks. I felt butterflies flying in my stomach. I didn't even remember anything as the class ended. My mind was flying in space thinking of something else.

When the bell rang, the guy beside me greeted me, "Hi! I'm JC and you are...?"

I hesitated for a while and flashed a lopsided grin.

"I-I-I am Anne."

He smiled at me and he continued

"Don't be afraid of me, by the way this is my best-friend Jeff." I then noticed a guy standing behind his back. Jeff greeted me pleasantly and invited me to join them for a snack. I did not want to give in to that invitation only that JC forced me to join them. They treated me as if I was a close friend and I became at ease in their company.

The days passed, JC and Jeff became my friends. We went home together; hang out together, studied together. JC and Jeff were honor students. They were so nice. JC was the editor-in-chief of our school paper and he is also a good guitarist. Jeff has a good voice and also a basketball player of the school. But as the days went by, I felt I was falling in love for JC. It was when I wanted to see him always, to be with him always. Then perhaps, God heard my prayer.

One evening, after my piano lesson he's still waiting for me. It was almost 7:00pm and it's raining hard. I asked him why he was here.

To be continued...

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