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[Tips] Setsuko's House Making Guide
Author: Setsuko 09-11-2008 Views:

Well, the other day someone was asking me for my House making guide, and so I thought that I should speed it up just a little bit. He wasn't the first person, but here we go:

Warning! House making is time consuming, and when you start to make a house of your own, you will then know all the pains.

First of all let's go over the requirements, and calculations.

There aren't any NPCs to initiate the quest, you can really just get down to mining. When creating a house, you can use any ore, of any quality (including euxenite ore). Grab a city scroll and go mine. Fill up your inventory, max capacity with scroll is 39 ores. Then use your scroll and head into the market for NPC Craftsman,(141,107) and exchange 5 ores for 1 timber. Deposit left over ores in the warehouse, they come in handy later. Repeat this process for 10 timber, then exchange the 10 timber for 1 Rosewood Voucher at market NPC Carpenter, (168,99). Then repeat making timber into rosewood vouchers, and exchange 10 Rosewood Vouchers for 1 Timber Voucher. 5 Timber Vouchers are required to get a House. Take your 5 timber vouchers to NPC House Agent in Twin City (400,284) and exchange them for a Permit. Then head to NPC House Admin (199,87) and exchange your House Permit and 300,000 silvers for your house.

Let's do some math :) (Skip this part if you're not interested, but it helps!)

1 Timber Voucher equal 100 Pieces of Timber, or 10 Rosewood Vouchers which is 10 pieces of timber each.

Each piece of timber is 5 ores each.

You can hold a max of 39 ores at each given time, which will leave 4 ores left over for later use.

Now, how many ores are we looking at to mine?



RV=Rosewood Voucher

TV=Timber Voucher

10 Timber translates into 50 ores. Therefore, it takes 50 ores to create on Rosewood. Now, Take that 50 and times it by 10, which is the requirement for 1 Timber voucher, and it is 500 ores to create 1 Timber Voucher, or 10 Rosewood Voucher, which also translates into 100 pieces of timber.
So ultimately it requires 5 Timber Vouchers to make a house, therefore 500 ores, by 5 timber vouchers, is 2500 ores to make a house!

Does this sound complicated? :) Well it is. The point is that 2500 ores on a 39 item slot character will take a long time. How long? Well lets do some more math!

2500 ores is the requirement. At max, because of your City Scroll, you can hold 39 ores. There we'll divide 2500 by 39, which equals 64.1 trips to the market from the mines.

Now wait a sec! We still have 4 extra ores on that first trip around! So there will be 4 trips in which you will have 40 ores! Now with in 5 trips, you will get 199 ores, this breaks down to 4 of the 5 trips you will be bringing in 160 ores, and the 5th trip will bring 39, which equals to 199 ores every five trips. In this manner, 199*13=2587 ores, which means you will over shoot your goal by 87 ores, which is OK, but the amount of trips is will take you is 65 trips total, which is 13*5=65.

Phew! OK, so, now we know exactly how much is to be done, so let's get down to business.


First of all, you need to choose which mine you want, Twin City, or Desert City. My personal preference is Desert City, It's not hard to get to, and not a lot of people or Pkers go there (at least until after they read this). If you do decide Desert City, then you know that gold ore is mined up here, but do not worry about selling them, it will make things go slower. Turn them in for timber. Be mindful that you must be level 70 to enter Desert City Mines.

Once you've chosen the mine you want, it's time for the character requirements. Since you can only log in 2 characters at a time, IT IS ESSENTIAL that one of your characters are a water Tao with Divine Hareto get this done in a reasonable time (House Upgrade it is required not buts about it). Level requirementis 55 for divine hare, so that means, if you want to get the job done fast, you must have a water Tao of level 55 with divine hare. Your second character doesn't matter, but pick one of your characters with nice defense such as a warrior or trojan.

Make both characters mine. (I usually walk away and go watch TV at this point) Check back periodically to see if either character is full, if your second is full but not your water, then walk away and come back when the water is full. Once both characters are full, make your water cash in ores, creating rosewood or timber voucher if you have enough, and store everything in your market warehouse. Then go back and empty your second character onto your water and go cash in. Repeat this 65 times, and you will have your house permit.

Other tips

If you have friends that are willing to help, then that is even better! Especially if you're limited to the Twin City mines. If you have friends willing to help, have them log in an extra character for you, and if theywant to, then have them come in and protect you (Twin City mine only!) The best Protectors are high level fire Tao and archers. Trojans that use Hercules are good too. Normally when a group of friends is going, it's not a good idea to go AFK. Sit around and talk, have a good time. Times flies when you're having fun.

Personal Thoughts

Usually it takes no time for me to make houses because I have multiple computers in my home, allowing me to log in about 6 characters at a time. (Usually 3 of my wife's and three of my own.) and I have my one water, who I call the "Runner" run my ores back and forth. When you have a situation like this, with a lot of miners, you will probably only have to go afk for a short while, because once you're full on all 6, then you will be constantly running ores back and forth, for a good 7 or 8 trips before you have to go afk again. If you have multiple computers on a network like I do in my house, then take full advantage of all of them! The shortest time it took me to make a house was when I had all 3 computers set up for mining, and with 3 or 4 friends over Conquer with 2 characters each, took us 6 hours. Normally, with two mining characters, it takes me 4 days, getting a timber voucher and about 4 to 6 rosewood vouchers a day.

Houses on Eagle normally sell equal to a Dragonball value, or sometimes a little less. If you can, I would sell it for money over a DB, but, it's what you want to do. Again, price ranges vary from server to server, so this information may not apply to your server (or it may in the future).

Well this was certainly a fun guide to write. I hope that you can all use this information to build yourselfa house, or make a monopoly from making houses. Unfortunately, my brain hurts, so House Upgrade will have to be a part two.

Thanks for reading my guide. If you want to review my previous guides, Then on any search box on theCO site, type in Setsuko, and you will come across them. The search will only display 6 results, near the top, click on teh link that says official site, and after it refines the search, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the link that says, "If you like, you can repeat the search with the omitted results included." This will display them all.

If you have any questions, would like any of my guides in a text document, or request I write a guide you can email me at imposterian@gmail.com.

My name is Setsuko, and I play on Eagle Server, the best server.

Guides in Progress:

Trojan Guide

House Upgrade

Fire Tao Guide

Archer Guide (the millionth one XD)

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