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[Tips] Setsuko's Guide to Quick Money
Author: 05-08-2008 Views:

Again, thanks for the emails and reading my guides. Today, I'm going to talk to you about making quick money. There's lots of different ways to do this, so I'll list the ways that I've found most proficient.


I've said this in several other guides that I've made so far, but I'll go into a little more detail this time. If you're in need of some money, or are bored with mindless leveling or hunting, then if you have a level 70 water tao then go to Ape City or Desert City mines. In AC and DC, you can get Silver, Copper, Iron, or Gold ores, but honestly, I've only mainly gotten silver, sometimes gold, and rarely copper. The best part about this method is that you can walk away and do something else, or play another character. If you want to be fast about making money this way, then keep rate 10 silver and all gold rates. This will pull in about 120-180k per trip. What I usually do is only keep gold ores, but I only do this if I'm playing a second character. Did I also mention the potential of getting violet or moon gems? This was probably where I got the majority of money off gems back in 1.0. Even though the gem rate is lowered in mining, I have still found normal and refined gems every now and then. Also, mine towards the center of the floor. Most Pkers will pick you off if you hang around the walls.


This is another quick way to make some cash if you're at least level 82. Go to Bird Island and there's just all kinds of goodies to be found here. Run around and pick up all gold, and all items, then once you are full of items, go back and see what you got, selling all the junk. I cannot tell you how many refined, unique, elite +1s, gems, and meteors I've found this way. Just word of advice though, if an archer catches you standing on their stuff, unless you're strong enough to kill them, then it's probably best to leave. I will honestly move if they notice it because it's not fair game if they don't leave it behind.


This way may not be so quick, but it's here because it's easy money. You know how you find refined junk? Well, sell it all in the market! You need to use your common sense here and think it through . Not very many people are going to want to buy a level 120 refined helmet. Unless it has a socket or two in it, I usually sell all my refines at 25-50k max each in the market. I use that price range for Weapons and armor, of course I may go a little higher if it was a two socket club or something that calls for a higher price range. If they are an ornament like  earrings, rings, etc. then I usually modify my pricing a little depending on how low the level is on the item. I usually stick to around 85-150k. You can do this with unique too, and I usually start off with 75k and up to 250k-350k, unless the item calls for a higher price range, like a unique socket armor or something. I also want to note that these are based off Eagle Server, so it may be close, or not at all. You will need to browse the market before server maintenance, and on Tuesday and Thursday. These are the peak hours of when the market will have the most active shops open and you can browse through what other people are selling, and go setup your shop and under cut their price.

Dis City

I won't go into much detail here. You need to be at least 120 non reborn, 110 reborn in order to enter or even stand a chance. But the money they drop in here is awesome and you can make a lot of money if you stay on level 1 or 2. Don't stay on level 1 for a long time, or you will get sent back to AC. But the idea is simple here; kill stuff and pick up the money, and meteors.


Usually, a couple friends and I will go down to Lab 1, 2, or 3 after 120 and just continually kill stuff. You pick up all money and items except diamonds. You should pick up tokens as well here. If you don't mind spending 2,000 Virtue points for this, then by all means do it. Just make sure that you are prepared to stay for a long time to get your 2,000 VP worth.

This guide is meant for level 70 and up for obvious reasons. You can't get to either mines unless your 70. Bird Island will slaughter you under level 70. You can't even think about Dis City until 110. You should hunt in Lab unless you are 120 and above, because it's a waste of time otherwise.

One more note about money making. Don't sit around thinking that money is just gonna roll in as you level. It's not. These methods are only going to make you around maybe 1-2m, maybe even three if your persistent about this. It's not going to earn you millions upon millions (Unless you're lucky to mine up a super gem, which I've only done once).

My name is Setsuko, and I play on Eagle Server, the best server.

If you have any questions, would like any of my guides in a text document, or request I write a guide

you can email me at imposterian@gmail.com.

Current Guides: Warrior Guide, Weapon FAQ, Common Sense, and Quick Money.

Possible Upcoming: Trojan Guide, Archer Guide, Fire Tao Guide, House Making Guide.

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