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[Tips] Guide to Common Sense Part 2
Author: 04-17-2008 Views:

Being Scammed

Scam; cozenage, bunco, con, defraud, diddle, goldbrick, gyp, mulct, nobble, rook, swindle. (Courtesy of http://www.websters-online-dictionary.org/sc/scam.html)

It happens everyday in CO, hundreds of people get scammed.


The answer is because the people who are getting scammed are not being cautious. You may email me saying, "BUT I AM AUSIOS SETSUKO!!111" Apparently, you aren't being cautious ENOUGH if you got tricked. Making careful observations of every transaction is enough to prevent scamming.

-In every trade window, make sure that item you're trying to trade for. If someone says,"Wait..." then this is when you really need to check all items, money and CP in the trade for suspicious activity. Make sure all items are the same quality and attributes as last time. Make sure that if it's CP, that the numerical value is in the CP field and not in the money field. Make sure that the money is the correct value. Count the zeros or place values if you have to. If you suspect anything, end the trade immediately and find someone else to trade with. Also, if someone closes a trade immediately after requesting a trade, and request another, open the second one. If they close it again, find someone else to trade with.

-When buying from marketshops, do not bring any money with you. If you accidentally click on an item you don't want, well you lost money and got a useless items. (Give use the ability to store CPs!!!!!!) Inspect all items that you may potentially buy. If you do want to buy it, beware! That shop owner may not be AFK, and might swap items to a lesser quality, or raise the price if they are only selling 1-3 items in their shop, so always inspect the item once more
before buying from a shop.

-Spouse scams are common too. If you are really married and play with your wife who is less than 10 feet away, obviously if your wife whispers you, and she is in the room taking a nap or something, then you can make fun of them. That's what

I do anyway. If you do not have this luxury, then simple observations will help prevent loss. Open the status screen and check the spelling of your spouses name against who is whispering you. You'll noticed the difference in spelling, letters replaced with numbers or vise versa. If you do notice this, then you can laugh and taunt them for being dumb.

They may come back with a "Your mom" joke before logging off and deleting the character. Another way to prevent this, if You are trustworthy enough to share accounts with your spouse, then create a secret question between the both of you. Something unique that is not said in CO, but over MSN or a messenger of some sort. Then, if said scammer poses as your spouse, you ask the question, they answer wrong, then you can again, laugh and taunt them till they log off and delete imparting you with a "Your mom" joke.

-If someone comes up to you and ask to borrow one of your items, absolutely refuse. Let me give you an example:

This a true story, someone approached me while I was sitting in BI after I got reborn and was around level 60 or so: total stranger: can i plz borrow your boots ring and necky for just one hour plz
Me: no are you retarded total
Stranger: plz man i need I can't level very fast with mine
Me: are you retarded? you would ask someone you've never even met before?
Total stranger: yes i need help plz
Me: wow you really must be retarded to think I'd let you "borrow" my stuff and not get it back?
Me: you really are a retard.

That's the point where he started with "Your mom" jokes and I put him on filter. Which is the probably the best option
instead of making fun of them like I did in this situation. If you have really good friends on game, like years of
friendship, then just always make sure to regularly change your warehouse password, or if you notice your friend borrows
your equipment, without asking first, then change both your passwords when you get it back and if they asked what
happened, tell them another friend decided to take your equipment without asking first and you changed the password.

This way it's anonymous and no one's feelings get hurt, unless they figure your talking about them.

If you noticed, the main point of this part is to OBSERVE and PAY ATTENTION when your dealing with other Conquer
players. It's not going to hurt to take an extra 30 seconds to a minute to look at that +1 to make sure it is a +1. I
usually read the details of items and stuff. It forces me to look at what's being traded.

Thanks again fpr reading another guide. I hope you are informed and will take the measures to secure your computers and
your CO accounts. If you have any questions, would like any of my guides in a text document, or request I write a guide
you can email me at imposterian@gmail.com. I also plan on making a wesite where all of my guides and tips will be

My name is Setsuko, and I play on Eagle Server, the best server.

Current Guides: Warrior Guide, Weapon FAQ, and Common Sense.

Possible upcoming: Trojan Guide, Quick money guide.

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