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[Tips] Guide to Common Sense
Author: 04-17-2008 Views:

Thanks to everyone for emailing me with questions about Conquer, or thanking me for the guides, I appreciate it. Here is my next contribution to you.

I'm calling this guide common sense because there is alot of people who like to take advantage of people who don't know any better. Can you guess what I mean? Scamming, duping, hacking, and all the other synonyms of being tricked.

*I will state right now. There is a difference between getting scammed and duped, than actually getting hacked.

Being Scammed or duped means that you fell for someone's lame trick and you just lost items/money/account(s). Going to a website offering free stuff is not being hacked, you practically gave your info to them.

Being hacked means one of the following senario:

-You downloaded a program (a bot or other marco program) that was infected with a keylogger and you lost your account.

(A keylogger is a type of program that once gets on your system, memorizes keystrokes, and sends that info back to the originator. Full definition at http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/k/keylogger.htm)

-You went to a website offering free items/money/account and might have got said keylogger.

-You've received an email inviting you to said website and there may have been an attachment in the email that has said


-Insufficient Security on you computer allowed someone to compromise your Windows, and you lost your account.

(Honestly, I think this is less likely, because people who do this are mostly looking for credit card numbers, bank ccount numbers, etc. It may be your CO account if someone is that desparate I guess.)

This is what you can do to prevent either of these. I'll start with being hacked.

1. Make sure your windows firewall is turned ON. For help with this, go to Google and type "Enabling Windows Firewall"

The default settings for Windows Firewall will do, as it will prompt you if you want to block or unblock any programs trying to access the internet.

2.Ignore any and all advertisement of free equipment/dragonballs/money/accounts, whether it be in your email, some moron whispering a site to you, or an internet ad for it. Ignoring emails about free conquer stuff will help prevent receiving an attachment with a keylogger. If you are that desparate for money, then do what I tell everyone else who emails me about money. GO MINE IN DESERT OR PHOENIX CITY and sell all your ores.

3. If you are an honest player, then avoid bots and marcos at all costs. As everyone knows this could lead to

Botjail, costing you probably actually money to get out, which ultimately results in the loss of your account and money. If you are not honest, and choose not to heed my warning, then save some hard drive space for CO and scan them before you use them or else it's your own fault and suffer the consequences. I AM IN NO WAY PROMOTING BOTS, just giving you a warning of what will happen if you do. When you get caught or lose your account, you're going to whine and complain, "I never used any hacks, and I'm in bot jail plix hlep!!!" and no one is going to believe you...well more or less, some friends might, but there's a good change that CO won't. Avoid bots and marcos. Period.

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