There is a good saying: clothes make the man. Suited clothes make one look larruping. Various series of extraordinary garment have been displayed below. Wear the clothing you want without taking off your original armor, and show your own personality! In addition, the garment is for the ninth slot in the status window, so you are able to put on a garment without taking off your armor. How can I get it? There are 3 ways to get garment: 1. Find Costumer Chen (204,179) in Market, she is waiting for her customer. You can buy your favorite garment from her. 2. Get them from lottery. If you are lucky enough, you may draw your favorite garment in lottery center. (Details)
3. Buy them from Shopping Rush. Your mysterious temperament will be shown once wearing this dress.
The dress comes from royal family of Qing Dynasty. The dress exhibits the dignity and magnificence.
It is the traditional dress of Hui nationality. It is plain but special.
This suit is really mysterious and elegant for female characters.
It is the traditional dress of Miao nationality. It is colorful and special.
The dress comes from praire. It represents the generosity and decency of
Mongolia Nationality.
It is the traditional dress of Uigur nationality, and you will feel that you
are full of outlandish temperament when dressing it.
Delicate and touching. It's like blue or yellow daisy.
Made of feathers. You will feel slim and graceful like flying feathers
wearing it.
Exquisite. It's like the dance of cherry blossoms in the rain and
It is the traditional dress of Jing-po nationality, a laborious and brave
With Rural style, it is romantic dress for women. Dressing it, you will
become a beautiful lady like a red flower.
The Qi-pao was the court dress of the Manchu rulers from the early
seventeenth century. Decency and dignity, it is full of eastern charm.
The design derived from one of the chinese minority nationalities. Once dressing, you will show your bravery and courage.
The red color is often used in festive occasions, and there is no exception for wedding. Embroidered with chinese lucky design, it will bring happiness to newlywed.
Made from costly silks, combined with magics, Phoenix is full of romance and dignity.
Following the ancient dancing dress design, Elegance is really outstanding. Once you dress it, you will feel like a beautiful dancer.
It was said that the heavenly faerie lost his garment in the world. The owner will be proud of it for its fairyism.
DarkWizard (It has the same appearance of
Sand Raider
Divine Robe
Dusk Romance
Samurai Legacy
Caribbean Pirate
Peking General
Spartan's Pride