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  • [不显示在首页的event] New Class Grand Sale - Bound Item Sales 日期:2019-03-04 11:00:50 点击:69 好评:0

    Note: There may still be changes before the event is released, please refer to the final version. CP Exchange Bound Equipment Bound Item Fortune Wheel Unbound Equipment Unbound Item Item Silver Sales Thunder Stamp Duration: December 4th to December 31st NPC: Bound Item Promoter at Twin City (355,476) Image Item CPs(B) Purchase Amount Limit Per Character Red Rune Selection Pack(B) 999 1 Blue Rune Selection Pack(B) 999 1 Yellow Rune Fragment(B) 200 100 Draining Touch Booster(+1)(B) 3,666 1 Blood Spawn Booster(+1)(B) 3,666 1 Sturdiness(+1)(B) 3,666 1 MP Master(+1)(B) 3,666 1 Free Soul Booster(+1)(B) 3,999 1 Boss Killer(+1)(B) 3,666 1 No Mercy(+1)(B) 3,666 1 Tortoise Breaker(+1)(B) 3,666 1 Healer(+1)(B) 3,666 1 XP Killer(+1)(B) 3,666 1 Grabber(+1)(B) 3,666 1 XP Booster(+1)(B) 3,666 1 Dragonball(B) 100 20 Stone(+3)(B) 100 30 Permanent Stone (B) 450 10 1,000 Chi Points(B) 200 300 Tough Drill(B) 2000 3 Star Drill(B) 999 7 Exemption Token (B) 3499 1 +6 Steed (B) 2999 3 Refine Thunder Gem (B) 299 5 RefineGlory Gem (B) 299 5 SuperThunder Gem (B) 3999 2 Miraculous Gourd (B) 3499 1 Red Flower (B) 72 1000 White Flower (B) 72 1000 SuperGlory Gem (B) 3999 2...

  • [不显示在首页的event] New Class Grand Sale - Bound Equipment Sales 日期:2019-03-04 10:58:27 点击:153 好评:0

    Note: There may still be changes before the event is released, please refer to the final version. CP Exchange Bound Equipment Bound Item Fortune Wheel Unbound Equipment Unbound Item Item Silver Sales Thunder Stamp Duration: December 4th to December 31st NPC: Bound Equipment Dealer at Twin City (355,484) You can purchase various +4 and +6 equipments with CP or Silver atBound Equipment Dealer, check out the details below. I tem Description Price (CP) Price (Silver) Name: +4 Ring(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L70 Super 1-Soc 3% Ring(B). 809 48,540,000 Name: +4 Necklace(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L67 Super 1-Soc 3% Necklace(B). 809 48,540,000 Name: +4 Boots(B) Pack Description: Open it to get+4 L70 Super 1-Soc 3% Boots(B). 809 48,540,000 Name: +4 Earring(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L67 Super 1-Soc 3% Earring(B). 809 48,540,000 Name: +4 Bag(B) Pack Description: Opens to get a +4 L67 Super 1-Soc 3% Bag(B). 649 38,940,000 Name: +4 Bracelet(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L65 Super 1-Soc 3% Bracelet(B). 649 38,940,000 Name: +4 Tower(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L100 Super 1-Soc 1% Star Tower(B). 509 30,540,000 Name: +4 Fan(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L100 Super 1-Soc 1% Heaven Fan(B). 509 30,540,000 Name: +4 Crop(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L30 Super 1% Riding Crop(B). 349 20,940,000 Name: +4 Poisoned Blade(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L70 Super 2-Soc 3% Poisoned Blade(B). 509 30,540,000 Name: +4 Knife(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L70 Super 2-Soc 3% Knife(B). 509 30,540,000 Name: +4 Scythe(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L70 Super 2-Soc 3% Scythe(B). 509 30,540,000 Name: +4 Beads(B) Pack Description: Open it to get +4 L70 Super 2-Soc 3% Beads. 509 30,540,000 Name: +4 Blade(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L70 Super 2-Soc 3% Blade(B). 349 20,940,000 Name: +4 Sword(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L70 Super 2-Soc 3% Sword(B). 349 20,940,000 Name: +4 Club(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L70 Super 2-Soc 3% Club(B). 349 20,940,000 Name: +4 Backsword(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L70 Super 2-Soc 3% Backsword(B). 349 20,940,000 Name: +4 Bow(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L70 Super 2-Soc 3% Bow(B). 349 20,940,000 Name: +4 Wand(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L70 Super 2-Soc 3% Bow(B). 349 20,940,000 Name: +4 Spear(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L70 Super 2-Soc 3% Spear(B). 349 20,940,000 Name: +4 Shield(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L70 Super 2-Soc 3% Shield(B). 349 20,940,000 Name: +4 Katana(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L70 Super 2-Soc 3% Katana(B). 349 20,940,000 Name: +4 Rapier(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L70 Super 2-Soc 3% Rapier(B). 349 20,940,000 Name: +4 Pistol(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L70 Super 2-Soc 3% Pistol(B). 349 20,940,000 Name: +4 Trojan Armor(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L70 Super 1-Soc 3% Trojan Armor(B). 409 24,540,000 Name: +4 Taoist Robe(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L70 Super 1-Soc 3% Taoist Robe(B). 409 24,540,000 Name: +4 Monk Robe(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L70 Super 1-Soc 3% Monk Robe(B). 409 24,540,000 Name: +4 Pirate Coat(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L70 Super 1-Soc 3% Pirate Coat(B). 409 24,540,000 Name: +4 Ninja Vest(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L70 Super 1-Soc 3% Ninja Vest(B). 409 24,540,000 Name: +4 Archer Coat(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L67 Super 1-Soc 3% Archer Coat(B). 409 24,540,000 Name: +4 Warrior Armor(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L70 Super 1-Soc 3% Warrior Armor(B). 409 24,540,000 Name: +4 Trojan Coronet(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L67 Super 1-Soc 3% Trojan Coronet(B). 409 24,540,000 Name: +4 Warrior Helmet(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L67 Super 1-Soc 3% Warrior Helmet(B). 399 23,940,000 Name: +4 Taoist Cap(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L70 Super 1-Soc 3% Taoist Cap(B). 409 24,540,000 Name: +4 Archer Hat(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L62 Super 1-Soc 3% Archer Hat(B). 399 23,940,000 Name: +4 Ninja Hood(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L67 Super 1-Soc 3% Ninja Hood(B). 409 24,540,000 Name: +4 Monk Headband(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L67 Super 1-Soc 3% Monk Headband(B). 409 24,540,000 Name: +4 Pirate Hood(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L67 Super 1-Soc 3% Pirate Hood(B). 409 24,540,000 Name: +4 Heart Nunchaku(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L70 Super 1-Soc 3% Heart Nunchaku(B). 349 20,940,000 Name: +4 Combat Suit(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L70 Super 1-Soc 3% Combat Suit(B). 409 24,540,000 Name: +4 Breeze Hood (B) Pack Description: For Dragon Warrior. Open it to get a +4 L67 Super 1-Soc 3% Breeze Hood (B). 409 24,540,000 Name: +4 Odd Dagger (B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L13 Super 1-Soc 3% Odd dagger (B). 599 35,940,000 Name: +4LoveForeverFemale(B)Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L20 3% Lover Forever Female (B). 1666 99,960,000 Name: +4LoveForeverMale(B)Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L20 3% Lover Forever Male (B). 1666 99,960,000 Name: +4 Heavy Ring (B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L13 Super 1-Soc 3% Heavy Ring (B). 599 35,940,000 Name: +4 Desire Hossu Pack (B) Description: Open to receive a Super +4 Desire Hossu (B). 399 23,940,000 Item Description Price (CP) Price (Silver) Name: +6 Ring(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L70 Super 2-Soc 5% Ring(B). 3799 227,940,000 Name: +6 Necklace(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L67 Super 2-Soc 5% Necklace(B). 3799 227,940,000 Name: +6 Boots(B) Pack Description: Open it to get +6 L70 Super 2-Soc 5% Boots(B). 3799 227,940,000 Name: +6 Earring(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L67 Super 2-Soc 5% Earring(B). 3799 227,940,000 Name: +6 Bag(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L67 Super 2-Soc 5% Bag(B). 3666 219,960,000 Name: +6 Bracelet(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L65 Super 2-Soc 5% Bracelet(B). 3666 219,960,000 Name: +6 Tower(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L100 Super 2-Soc 1% Star Tower(B). 2666 159,960,000 Name: +6 Fan(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L100 Super 2-Soc 1% Heaven Fan(B). 2666 159,960,000 Name: +6 Crop(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L30 Super 1% Riding Crop(B). 1049 62,940,000 Name: +6 Poisoned Blade(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L70 Super 2-Soc 5% Poisoned Blade(B). 1499 89,940,000 Name: +6 Knife(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L70 Super 2-Soc 5% Knife(B). 1499 89,940,000 Name: +6 Scythe(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L70 Super 2-Soc 5% Scythe(B). 1499 89,940,000 Name: +6 Wand(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L70 Super 2-Soc 5% Wand(B). 1299 77,940,000 Name: +6 Spear(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L70 Super 2-Soc 5% Spear(B). 1299 77,940,000 Name: +6 Blade(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L70 Super 2-Soc 5% Blade(B). 1299 77,940,000 Name: +6 Sword(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L70 Super 2-Soc 5% Sword(B). 1299 77,940,000 Name: +6 Club(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L70 Super 2-Soc 5% Club(B). 1299 77,940,000 Name: +6 Shield(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L70 Super 2-Soc 5% Shield(B). 1299 77,940,000 Name: +6 Backsword(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L70 Super 2-Soc 5% Backsword(B). 1299 77,940,000 Name: +6 Bow(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L70 Super 2-Soc 5% Bow(B). 1299 77,940,000 Name: +6 Katana(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L70 Super 2-Soc 5% Katana(B). 1199 71,940,000 Name: +6 Beads(B) Pack Description: Open it to get +6 L70 Super 2-Soc 5% Beads(B). 1499 89,940,000 Name: +6 Rapier(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L70 Super 2-Soc 5% Rapier(B). 1199 71,940,000 Name: +6 Pistol(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L70 Super 2-Soc 5% Pistol(B). 1199 71,940,000 Name: +6 Warrior Helmet(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L67 Super 2-Soc 5% Warrior Helmet(B). 1599 95,940,000 Name: +6 Trojan Coronet(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L67 Super 2-Soc 5% Trojan Coronet(B). 1599 95,940,000 Name: +6 Taoist Cap(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L70 Super 2-Soc 5% Taoist Cap(B). 1599 95,940,000 Name: +6 Archer Plume(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L62 Super 2-Soc 5% Archer Plume(B). 1599 95,940,000 Name: +6 Ninja Hood(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L67 Super 2-Soc 5% Ninja Hood(B). 1599 95,940,000 Name: +6 Monk Headband(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L67 Super 2-Soc 5% Monk Headband(B). 1299 77,940,000 Name: +6 Pirate Hood(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L67 Super 2-Soc 5% Pirate Hood(B). 1299 77,940,000 Name: +6 Warrior Armor(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L70 Super 2-Soc 5% Warrior Armor(B). 1599 95,940,000 Name: +6 Trojan Armor(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L70 Super 2-Soc 5% Trojan Armor(B). 1599 95,940,000 Name: +6 Taoist Robe(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L70 Super 2-Soc 5% Taoist Robe(B). 1599 95,940,000 Name: +6 Archer Coat(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L67 Super 2-Soc 5% Archer Coat(B). 1599 95,940,000 Name: +6 Ninja Vest(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L70 Super 2-Soc 5% Ninja Vest(B). 1299 77,940,000 Name: +6 Monk Robe(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L70 Super 2-Soc 5% Monk Robe(B). 1299 77,940,000 Name: +6 Pirate Coat(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L70 Super 2-Soc 5% Pirate Coat(B). 1299 77,940,000 Name: +6 Heart Nunchaku(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L70 Super 2-Soc 5% Heart Nunchaku. 1299 77,940,000 Name: +6 Combat Suit(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L70 Super 2-Soc 5% Combat Suit(B). 1599 95,940,000 Name: +6 Breeze Hood (B) Pack Description: For Dragon Warrior. Open it to get a +6 L70 Super 2-Soc 5% Breeze Hood (B). 1599 95,940,000 Name: +6 Dark Cloud Hat(B) Box Description: Open it to get a +6 L15 super 2-Soc 5% Dark Cloud Hat(B). 2099 125,940,000 Name: +6 Mystic Windrobe(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L15 Super 2-Soc 5% Mystic Windrobe(B). 2099 125,940,000 Name: +6 Pride Fan(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L15 Super 2-Soc 5% Pride Fan(B). 1999 119,940,000 Name: +6 Sky Flame(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L15 Super 2-Soc 5% Sky Flame(B). 1599 95,940,000 Name: +6 Odd Dagger (B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L15 Super 2-Soc 5% Odd dagger (B). 3666 219,960,000 Name: +6 Lover Forever Female (B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L20 5% Lover Forever Female (B). 4999 299,940,000 Name: +6 Lover Forever Male (B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L205% Lover Forever Male (B). 4999 299,940,000 Name: +6 Heavy Ring (B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L15 Super 2-Soc 5% Heavy Ring (B). 3666 219,960,000 Name: +6 Desire Hossu Pack (B) Description: Open to receive a Super +6 Desire Hossu (B). 1299 77,940,000...

  • [不显示在首页的event] New Class Grand Sale - Thunder Stamp 日期:2019-02-28 15:58:12 点击:130 好评:0

    Note: There may still be changes before the event is released, please refer to the final version. CP Exchange Bound Equipment Bound Item Fortune Wheel Unbound Equipment Unbound Item Item Silver Sales Thunder Stamp Note: Since server LasVegas has a long term Credit Rebate event, the total amount of Candies submitted by players in LasVegas will be divided by 2 and then count the integer. For example, if you submit 3 Candies in game, it will be divided by 2, that is 1.5, and then count the integer 1. The Candy you have on the page is 1. Duration: December 4th to December 31st NPC: Christmas Sales Envoy at Twin City (355,465) You need to get and submit Christmas Candies in game and then go to offline event page to join the event. You can only get Christmas Candies from Xmas Packs sold at NPC Christmas Sales Envoy. Check out the details below. Pack Description Price Xmas Rune Essence Pack Open to receive 200 Universe Rune Essences (B) and 3 Christmas Candies . 4900 CPs (B) Xmas +Stone Pack Open to receive a +8 Stone (B) and 15 Christmas Candies . 22999 CPs (B) Xmas Vital Pill Pack Open to receive 50 Vital Pills (B) and 3 Christmas Candies . 4650 CPs (B) Xmas Permanent Stone Pack Open to receive a Big Permanent Stone (B) and 3 Christmas Candies . 4650 CPs (B) Xmas Mystery Fruit Pack Open to receive 10 Mystery Fruits (B) and 2 Christmas Candies . 3300 CPs (B) Xmas Ornament Pack Open to receive a Christmas Tree, a Lovely Christmas Tree, a Florid Christmas Tree, a Christmas Wreath, a Bowknow Wreath and 1 Christmas Candy . The furniturewill disappear on February 28th 2019. 1500 CPs (B) Xmas Furniture Pack Open to receive a Snowman, a Deer, and 1 Christmas Candy . The furniturewill disappear on February 28th 2019. 1500 CPs (B) Xmas Socket Pack Open to receive 3 Tough Drills (B) and 3 Christmas Candies . 6000 CPs (B) Xmas Star Stone Pack Open to receive 5 Radiant Star Stones and 3 Christmas Candies . 3900 CPs (B) Xmas Lottery Pack Open to receive 100 Small Lottery Tickets and 2 Christmas Candies . 2699 CPs Submit the Christmas Candies to NPC Christmas Sales Envoy, then click Show me the gift list. to go to th offline event page. You can claim corresponding rewards when you submit the required amount of Christmas Candies. Check out the details below. Amount of Candies (Accumulated) Rewards 5 Bright Star Stone * 2, 15-Day Christmas Garment (B) and Yellow Rune Essence (B) * 50 10 Bright Star Stone * 4, Senior Training Pill (B) * 10 and Yellow Rune Essence (B) * 100 15 +3 Stone (B) * 2, Radiant Star Stone * 1, Vital Pill (B) * 12 and Yellow Rune Essence (B) * 150 30 DB Scroll (B) * 2, Radiant Star Stone * 2, Super Protection Pill (B) * 20 and Yellow Rune Essence (B) * 200 50 DB Scroll (B) * 4, Radiant Star Stone * 4, Super Protection Pill (B) * 40 and Yellow Rune Essence (B) * 250 100 10000 Chi Points (B), Splendid Star Stone * 2, Star Drill (B) * 2, Power Eraser (B) * 3 and Yellow Rune Essence (B) * 300 Every 10 after 100 Radiant Star Stone * 2, Yellow Rune Essence (B) * 100, Power Eraser (B) * 1 and 3000 Chi Points (B) Every 10 after 100: It means that when the amount of candies you submitted reaches 100, you will be able to claim a set of rewards every time you submit extra 10 candies. There is also a Candy Rank, the top 8 heroes who submit the most candies will be rewarded. Check out the details below. Rank Rewards 1 Choose 1 Garment from permanent -1% Christmas Harmony, Monkey King Armor and Bright Purple Romance. 300,000 Potency Points 200,000 Chi Points. 2 Choose 1 Garment from permanent -1% Christmas Harmony and Monkey King Armor. 250,000 Potency Points 150,000 Chi Points. 3 Choose 1 Garment from permanent -1% Monkey King Armor and Bright Purple Romance. 200,000 Potency Points 100,000 Chi Points. 4-8 Permanent -1% Bright Purple Romance 100,000 Potency Points 50,000 Chi Points. Note: You should submit at least 100 Christmas Candies to be ranked in Top 8 and win the rewards. The ranking rewards will be sent via mail system within 5 work days after the event ends. Whats more, there is local candy submit rank in each server, the top 1 submitter by the end of the event will be rewarded with a +7 Stone (B) and 30000 Potency Points. The reward will be sent via mail system. Note: Since server LasVegas has a long term Credit Rebate event, the total amount of Candies submitted by players in LasVegas will be divided by 2 and then count the integer. For example, if you submit 3 Candies in game, it will be divided by 2, that is 1.5, and then count the integer 1. The Candy you have on the page is 1. Duration: December 4th to December 31st NPC: Christmas Sales Envoy at Twin City (355,465) You need to get and submit Christmas Candies in game and then go to offline event page to join the event. You can only get Christmas Candies from Xmas Packs sold at NPC Christmas Sales Envoy. Check out the details below. Pack Description Price Xmas Rune Essence Pack Open to receive 200 Universe Rune Essences (B) and 3 Christmas Candies . 4900 CPs (B) Xmas +Stone Pack Open to receive a +8 Stone (B) and 15 Christmas Candies . 22999 CPs (B) Xmas Vital Pill Pack Open to receive 50 Vital Pills (B) and 3 Christmas Candies . 4650 CPs (B) Xmas Permanent Stone Pack Open to receive a Big Permanent Stone (B) and 3 Christmas Candies . 4650 CPs (B) Xmas Mystery Fruit Pack Open to receive 10 Mystery Fruits (B) and 2 Christmas Candies . 3300 CPs (B) Xmas Ornament Pack Open to receive a Christmas Tree, a Lovely Christmas Tree, a Florid Christmas Tree, a Christmas Wreath, a Bowknow Wreath and 1 Christmas Candy . The furniturewill disappear on February 28th 2019. 1500 CPs (B) Xmas Furniture Pack Open to receive a Snowman, a Deer, and 1 Christmas Candy . The furniturewill disappear on February 28th 2019. 1500 CPs (B) Xmas Socket Pack Open to receive 3 Tough Drills (B) and 3 Christmas Candies . 6000 CPs (B) Xmas Star Stone Pack Open to receive 5 Radiant Star Stones and 3 Christmas Candies . 3900 CPs (B) Xmas Lottery Pack Open to receive 100 Small Lottery Tickets and 2 Christmas Candies . 2699 CPs Submit the Christmas Candies to NPC Christmas Sales Envoy, then click Show me the gift list. to go to th offline event page. You can claim corresponding rewards when you submit the required amount of Christmas Candies. Check out the details below. Amount of Candies (Accumulated) Rewards 5 Bright Star Stone * 2, 15-Day Christmas Garment (B) and Yellow Rune Essence (B) * 50 10 Bright Star Stone * 4, Senior Training Pill (B) * 10 and Yellow Rune Essence (B) * 100 15 +3 Stone (B) * 2, Radiant Star Stone * 1, Vital Pill (B) * 12 and Yellow Rune Essence (B) * 150 30 DB Scroll (B) * 2, Radiant Star Stone * 2, Super Protection Pill (B) * 20 and Yellow Rune Essence (B) * 200 50 DB Scroll (B) * 4, Radiant Star Stone * 4, Super Protection Pill (B) * 40 and Yellow Rune Essence (B) * 250 100 10000 Chi Points (B), Splendid Star Stone * 2, Star Drill (B) * 2, Power Eraser (B) * 3 and Yellow Rune Essence (B) * 300 Every 10 after 100 Radiant Star Stone * 2, Yellow Rune Essence (B) * 100, Power Eraser (B) * 1 and 3000 Chi Points (B) Every 10 after 100: It means that when the amount of candies you submitted reaches 100, you will be able to claim a set of rewards every time you submit extra 10 candies. There is also a Candy Rank, the top 8 heroes who submit the most candies will be rewarded. Check out the details below. Rank Rewards 1 Choose 1 Garment from permanent -1% Christmas Harmony, Monkey King Armor and Bright Purple Romance. 300,000 Potency Points 200,000 Chi Points. 2 Choose 1 Garment from permanent -1% Christmas Harmony and Monkey King Armor. 250,000 Potency Points 150,000 Chi Points. 3 Choose 1 Garment from permanent -1% Monkey King Armor and Bright Purple Romance. 200,000 Potency Points 100,000 Chi Points. 4-8 Permanent -1% Bright Purple Romance 100,000 Potency Points 50,000 Chi Points. Note: You should submit at least 100 Christmas Candies to be ranked in Top 8 and win the rewards. The ranking rewards will be sent via mail system within 5 work days after the event ends. Whats more, there is local candy submit rank in each server, the top 1 submitter by the end of the event will be rewarded with a +7 Stone (B) and 30000 Potency Points. The reward will be sent via mail system....

  • [不显示在首页的event] March Monthly Gift Card 日期:2019-02-27 15:33:41 点击:188 好评:0

    March Monthly Gift Pack Note: You need to credit 1000 CPs to claim the Gift Pack, and you need to pay 1000 CPs to open the Gift Pack because the items in it are precious. Duration: March 1 st to March 15 th Server: All servers except Endeavor_EU Claim March Monthly Gift Pack Once you credit 1000CPs between March 1 st and March 15th, you can claim a XXX Pack in Events section. Click Reward=Events=XXX to claim the Pack. Each hero can claim it once only. Content of the Gift Pack You can pay 1000 CPs to open the XXX Pack, the pack can be opened once a day and up to 30 times before April 15 th . Time of Opening Rewards 1 st Day 15-Day Siren Song Wing * 1, +6 Stone (B) * 1 and Flood Demon Box * 1 2 nd to 30 th Day Randomly receive one from Small Lottery Ticket (B) * 1, +3 stone (B) * 1, Dragon Ball (B) * 1, +3 Steed (B) * 1, 300 CPs (B), 1500 Chi Points and Tough Drill (B) *1...

  • [不显示在首页的event] Echo of Thunder 日期:2019-02-25 10:59:04 点击:196 好评:0


  • [不显示在首页的event] Exchange Anima for Real Item Rewards 日期:2019-02-22 12:13:33 点击:170 好评:0

    Exchange Anima for Real Item Rewards...

  • [不显示在首页的event] New Class Grand Sale - CP Exchange 日期:2019-02-19 10:57:42 点击:141 好评:0

    Note: There may still be changes before the event is released, please refer to the final version. CP Exchange Bound Equipment Bound Items Bound Garment Mount Fortune Wheel Christmas Candy Duration: December 4th to December 31st NPC: CP Exchange Envoy at Twin City (355,472) There are 3 stages of CP exchange, you can exchange for up to 500,000 Bound CPs. Please check out the details below. Stage Exchange Rate Total CPs (B) You Can Exchange in the Stage 1 st Stage 1:3 You can choose to exchange 1,000 CPs for 3,000 CPs (B) or exchange 10,000 CPs for 30,000 CPs (B). 90,000 CPs (B) 2 nd Stage 1:4 You can choose to exchange 1,000 CPs for 4,000 CPs (B) or exchange 10,000 CPs for 40,000 CPs (B). 160,000 CPs (B) 3 rd Stage 1:5 You can choose to exchange 1,000 CPs for 5,000 CPs (B) or exchange 10,000 CPs for 50,000 CPs (B). 250000 CPs (B) Note: You must finish the CP exchange in a stage first to enter the next stage. For example, for the 1st stage, you need to exchange to get all the 90,000 Bound CPs first, then you can start the exchange in 2nd stage....

  • [不显示在首页的event] Blast of Love 日期:2019-02-15 00:35:00 点击:159 好评:0

    Blast of Love Duration : February 15 th 28 th Walkthrough: Valentines Day is coming! During the event, heroes can start your romantic date in CO. Heroes can team with other players as partner or talk with Charming man or lady. Heroes who team with other players can go to Team Partner Channel and heroes who talk with Charming man or lady can go to Invited Guest Channel. Then heroes will be transported to date site. Heroes can hand on present or flower at the dating site by talking with Flower Fairy. Flower Fairy can help heroes send flower to your partner. If heroes partner is a player, heroes both will get 1.5x Love Point. If your partner is an invited guest (NPC), you will get double points. Romantic Gift Love Pts Earned Per Item 1/3/9/99/999 Orchid/ Rose/ Lily and Certificates 5/15/45/500/5000 1/3/9/99 Tulip and Certificates 10/30/90/1000 Romance Candle 100 Bright Firework 500 Vintage Wine 1000 Note: Every hero only can get 8000 Love Points which earned by sending flower to max every day. Heroes can talk with Romance Designer to place the date site. There are 4 kinds of Balloon which heroes can place. Star Balloon Sparkle Balloon Confession Balloon Smile Balloon Once Love Points reach request, heroes can claim relevant reward. Love Pts Reward Get Everlasting Pack 10000 +3 Stone(B)*2 1 20000 Bright Star Stones*4 1 30000 +4 Stone(B)*1 2 50000 Radiant Star Stones*2 3 100000 +6 Stone(B)*1 5 200000 Permanent Rocking Romance(B) 10 400000 Sweetness/Handsomeness Title 20 600000 Permanent Rocking Romance(Fantasy) 30 Earn 2000 and 4000 Love Points every day for the corresponding reward. According to Love Points which heroes get, the Top 10 heroes in every server can get reward in the end of this event. Rank Reward Item 1 Charming Man/Lady 1st Prize Box A pair of Love Wings, 15000 Chi Points, and a title of Super Brilliance / Super Beauty 2 Charming Man/Lady 2nd Prize Box 15000 Chi Points, and a title of Super Brilliance / Super Beauty 3 Charming Man/Lady 3rd Prize Box 10000 Chi Points, and a title of Super Brilliance / Super Beauty 4-6 10000 Chi Points 7-10 8000 Chi Points Heroes also can purchase romantic gift in CP Mall or talk with Flower Fairy....

  • [不显示在首页的event] Ultimate Trial 日期:2019-02-12 00:00:00 点击:148 好评:0

    Duration: February 2nd - February 20th Requirements: 2nd reborn level 100or above Rewards: Runes Fragments, Combat Badges, Victory Points, Bright Star Stones, etc. Combat Badges You may collect up to 1,500 Combat Badges by defeating the Legend Fighters during the Trial of Legends, and swap Combat Badges for the Runes with Lady East (Twin City 322,442) NPCs: 1. Dongbin (Twin City 316,439) : Claim Daily Trial Token 2. Lady East (Twin City 322,442) : Swap Combat Badges for the Runes. 3. Victory Board (Twin City 327,442): Claim Reward 4. Legend Ranking (Twin City 318,442) : Claim Reward Walkthrough: 1. Mystery Runeshave beenunveiled. All heroes are fighting for them. Who will dominate the world? If you are powerful and want to prove your abilities, just go to challenge 8 masters (Twin City 316,439). 2. 8 masters are typed into 6 stars. Schools 1-Star 2-Star 3-Star 4-Star 5-Star 6-Star Taoism Qiu Chuji Zhou Botong Wuyazi Wang Chongyang Zhang Sanfeng Dongbin Sky Temple Jiumozhi Golden Wheel MasterKu Master Yideng Sweeping Monk Damo Message Chen Zhen Ho Yuanjia Fang Shiyu Huang Feihong Ye Wen Li Xiaolong Shadow Manor Kirigakure Saiz Sanada Yukimura Sarutob iSasuke Naganobu Fuma Kotarou Hattori Hanzo Shark Crew Solon Marshall Will Turner Barbosa Lu Fei Captain Jack Victory Force Guan Yu LvBu Li Yuanba XiangYu XinTian KingChiYou Arch H all Ji Chang Yang Youji Hua Rong Huang Zhong Li Guang Hou Yi Trojan School Zhuan Zhu Jing Ke Li Kui Zhang Fei Guo Jing Xiao Feng 3. Kill the monsters and wandering 1-6 Star masters. You will have a chance to obtain Star Trial Tokens. 4. Use 1-3 Star Trial Tokens can summon the corresponding star masters to challenge. Use 4-6 Star Trial Tokens can enter the Legend Arena to challenge the mighty masters. Once you defeat them, you will be nicely rewarded. 5. If you obtain a L1/L2 Arena Winning Amulet, you can use this amulet before activating a Trial Token of 4-6 Stars to decrease the opponent`s HP by 10% / 30%. 6. You defeat the masters and obtain Combat Badges plus Victory Points. You may collect up to 1,500 Combat Badges by defeating the Legend Fighters during the Trial of Legends. 7. Visit Lady East (Twin City 322,442) to swap Combat Badge for Runes and other gifts. 8. When you have enough Victory Points, you can claim nice rewards from Victory Board (Twin City 327,442)....

  • [不显示在首页的event] Blood Mine 日期:2019-02-11 11:10:46 点击:136 好评:0

    变动 具体描述: 修改原本金币产出为道具产出 新增兑换NPC 开采值分红改为手动领取,22:00到23:59领取 取消活动时间 地图里可以 PK 吧? Duration: February 14 th to March 6th NPC: Blood Mine at Twin City (344,327) Requirment: Level 80 Walkthrough: Blood Mine Entry Find the Blood Mine at Twin City (344,327) to transport to Blood Mine from 00:00 to 21:00 every day from Feb. 14 th to Mar. 6th. The champion of Guild War last Sunday will become the occupying guild of the Blood Mine this week. The members of this guild can be transported to blood mine without payment. Members of other guilds need to pay 50,000 silver to be transported. Note: Player can PK in Blood Mine, please be careful, and you can find LeQing at Twin City (167,247) to reduce your PK points. 待确认 Ore Collecting and Reward Exchange Heroes can collect ore by mining or killing devils and submit them to Minecart or the Gold Miner to grab 25,000 Blood Badges (for all players in a server) every day. Heroes can get Gold Ore and Diligence Bookby killing Boss which will spawn once an hour. Once heroes are killed in Blood Mine, there are possibilities to drop some items. Once heroes have raw ore, you can find Infernal Furnace in Blood Mine (243,233) to smelt raw ore. Every 10 raw ore can be smelted into a Copper Ore of random quality. raw ore 哪里获得? The Minecart appears in the Blood Mine at specific time, carrying a specific amount of Blood Badges as reward, heroes who put in Ores will be rewarded. There are Blood Badges and Mining Points for heroes to choose from. The silver Minecart refreshes every 2 hours, if there is no Blood Badges left when you submit ores, youll get mining Points instead. 具体兑换表?问王贤 Ore Exchange Reward Normal Copper Ore 3,000 Silvers Refined Copper Ore 4,000 Silvers Unique Copper Ore 5,000 Silvers Elite Copper Ore 8,000 Silvers Super Copper Ore 10,000 Silvers Normal Silver Ore 15,000 Silvers Refined Silver Ore 20,000 Silvers Unique Silver Ore 30,000 Silvers Elite Silver Ore 50,000 Silvers Super Silver Ore 80,000 Silvers Normal Gold Ore 100,000 Silvers Refined Gold Ore 150,000 Silvers Unique Gold Ore 200,000 Silvers Elite Gold Ore 300,000 Silvers Super Gold Ore 500,000 Silvers 详细情况待确认。 You can exchange Blood Badges for various rewards at Secret Chest. Check out the details below. Mining Points Travelling Merchant Different ores are worth different amount of Mining Points, the Mining Points represent your contribution. Mr. Coar will share a profit of 5000 Blood Badges at 22:00 every day. Your sharing ratio is your Mining Points to that of all heroes of the server. 具体细节确认 ! Mine Lottery You may also collect Mine Lotto Tickets in the mine to play Mine Lottery with Mine Joy, winning up to 10,000 Blood Badges. The more tickets you submit, the bigger chance to win. Talk to MinerJoy to submit your Lotto Tickets, the result will come out at 21:00 every day, and the rewards will be sent to you via mail system. 奖品是什么? There are 6 ways to get Mine Lotto Tickets: Buy at Mine Joy Kill 200 Mine Devils First submission of 1 Gold Ore every day First submission of 5 Silver Ore every day First submission of 10 Copper Ore every day Hunting in Dragon Island and Deity land, you will have chance to get the Mine Lotto Tickets. Secret Chest Heroes who eliminate 100 monsters in the Blood Mine can unlock Secret Chest which heroes can choose 500 Chi Points, 1 Bright Star Stone or +2 Stone(B) as a reward. Once this chest is opened 20 times in an hour, there will be an extra Minecart rewarded when refreshing Minecart next hour. Great Hero Stele There is a Great Hero Stele which will record the blood which heroes get in this map. Heroes can get Blood by defeating other heroes will plunder 30% of his/her blood, a minimum of 5 Blood. Top 10 heroes who collect the most Blood will get listed on the Stele. The prizes for ranking on the Great Hero Stele will be sent at 00:00 every day. Rank Prize 1 3000 Chi Points 2 2000 Chi Points 3 1000 Chi Points 4 800 Chi Points 5 700 Chi Points 6 600 Chi Points 7 500 Chi Points 8 300 Chi Points 9 300 Chi Points 10 300 Chi Points In Blood Mine, heroes can get amounts of silver by different ways. Note: Heroes can find LeQing (Twin City 167,247) to reduce your PK points....

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