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  • [不显示在首页的event] New Server NinjasAssemble - New Server Carnival 日期:2020-04-20 20:48:00 点击:54 好评:0

    Duration: April 21st - May 18th Extra Rewards During Upgrading Fun, you can complete the following quests to win extra rewards. Evil Labyrinth Get extra 20 Free Training Pills, 10 Super Protection Pills, and 1 Fresh EXP Box upon completion of Evil Labyrinth. Dis City Get extra 30 Free Training Pills, 15 Super Protection Pills and 1 Fresh EXP Box upon completion of Dis City at any difficulty level. Battlefield Heroes Get extra 30 Free Training Pills and 15 Super Protection Pills upon completion of Battlefield Heroes. Horse Racing Horse Racing Point reward increases tenfold during the event. Reward - Activeness Get extra 500 Chi Points from the Divine Active Pack. Treasure in the Blue Limited quantity of Olive Jades and Free Training Pills will be available for exchange. 1 Gold Coin: 300 min EXP and 3 Free Training Pills 2 Silver Coins: 200 min EXP and 2 Free Training Pills 3 Bronze Coins: 100 min EXP and 1 Free Training Pill Arena The Arena EXP Pack gives better reward: 30 minutes of EXP and 20 Study Points. Bright Fortune Your 5th open of the Treasure of Dragon every day brings extra 1 New Server Stone Pack and 1 Fresh EXP Box. Extra Gift Packs During the event, you can win abundant EXP rewards by completing zone quests. Gift Pack Requirement Rewards Wind Plain Box Complete Zone Quests in Wind Plain 1 Fresh EXP Box, 300-min EXP, 100 Study Points and 3-day Heaven Blessing. Maple Forest Box Complete Zone Quests in Maple Forest 1 Fresh EXP Box, 600-min EXP, 200 Study Points and 6-day Heaven Blessing. Love Canyon Box Complete Zone Quests in Love Canyon 1 Fresh EXP Box, 900-min EXP, 300 Study Points and 9-day Heaven Blessing. Lonely Desert Box Complete Zone Quests in Desert 1 Fresh EXP Box, 1200-min EXP, 400 Study Points and 12-day Heaven Blessing. Bird Island Box Complete Zone Quests in Bird Island 1 Fresh EXP Box, 1500-min EXP, 500 Study Points and 15-day Heaven Blessing. Sign in Gifts Level 80 or above players can sign in at CocoChau to get an Energy Pill. Energy Pill: Get upgraded by 1 level if you`re below Lv.130, or 300-min EXP if above Lv.130. Mystic Zone Level 80 or above players can talk to Faye to enter Mystic Zone. Each hero can explore the Mystic Zone 3 times from 08:00 to 23:59 every day, and will be sent out when reaching 100 kills in the area. Go defeat the monsters to earn EXP and Purify Soul rewards!...

  • [不显示在首页的event] New Server NinjasAssemble - New Server Benefits 日期:2020-04-20 15:08:00 点击:179 好评:0

    Celebrate the awakening of Ninja together, CP(B) with up to 3 times rebate and The Path the Advance for the new server are waiting for you! Click here to participate in the event!...

  • [不显示在首页的event] New Server NinjasAssemble - Bound Item Carnival 日期:2020-04-20 14:57:00 点击:120 好评:0

    Duration: April 21st - May 21st CP Exchange NPC: CP Exchange Envoy (Twin City 385,425) Exchange CPs for CPs(B) CPs CPs(B) Rate Limit CPs CPs(B) 1,000 5,000 1:5 30,000 150,000 10,000 50,000 1:5 1,000 6,000 1:6 40,000 240,000 10,000 60,000 1:6 1,000 7,000 1:7 50,000 350,000 10,000 70,000 1:7 1,000 8,000 1:8 80,000 640,000 10,000 80,000 1:8 1,000 9,000 1:9 20,000 180,000 10,000 90,000 1:9 Total 2 2 0,000 1, 56 0,000 I tem Description Price (CP) Price (Silver) Name: +4 Crackle Headwear (B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 Super 1-Soc 3% CrackleHeadwear (B). 1,200 54,000,000 Name: +4 Rumble Armor (B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 Super 1-Soc 3% RumbleArmor (B). 1,200 54,000,000 Name: +4 Glory Stormhammer (B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 Super 1-Soc 3% GloryStormhammer (B). 1,000 45,000,000 Name: +4 Shadow Flashaxe (B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 Super 1-Soc 3% ShadowFlashaxe (B). 1,000 45,000,000 Name: +4 Ring(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L70 Super 1-Soc 3% Ring(B). 680 30,000,000 Name: +4 Necklace(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L67 Super 1-Soc 3% Necklace(B). 680 30,000,000 Name: +4 Boots(B) Pack Description: Open it to get+4 L70 Super 1-Soc 3% Boots(B). 680 30,000,000 Name: +4 Earring(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L67 Super 1-Soc 3% Earring(B). 680 30,000,000 Name: +4 Bag(B) Pack Description: Opens to get a +4 L67 Super 1-Soc 3% Bag(B). 550 25,000,000 Name: +4 Bracelet(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L65 Super 1-Soc 3% Bracelet(B). 550 25,000,000 Name: +4 Tower(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L100 Super 1-Soc 1% Star Tower(B). 430 20,000,000 Name: +4 Fan(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L100 Super 1-Soc 1% Heaven Fan(B). 430 20,000,000 Name: +4 Crop(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L30 Super 1% Riding Crop(B). 300 13,500,000 Name: +4 Poisoned Blade(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L70 Super 2-Soc 3% Poisoned Blade(B). 430 20,000,000 Name: +4 Knife(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L70 Super 2-Soc 3% Knife(B). 430 20,000,000 Name: +4 Scythe(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L70 Super 2-Soc 3% Scythe(B). 430 20,000,000 Name: +4 Beads(B) Pack Description: Open it to get +4 L70 Super 2-Soc 3% Beads. 430 20,000,000 Name: +4 Blade(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L70 Super 2-Soc 3% Blade(B). 300 13,500,000 Name: +4 Sword(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L70 Super 2-Soc 3% Sword(B). 300 13,500,000 Name: +4 Club(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L70 Super 2-Soc 3% Club(B). 300 13,500,000 Name: +4 Backsword(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L70 Super 2-Soc 3% Backsword(B). 300 13,500,000 Name: +4 Bow(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L70 Super 2-Soc 3% Bow(B). 300 13,500,000 Name: +4 Wand(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L70 Super 2-Soc 3% Bow(B). 300 13,500,000 Name: +4 Spear(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L70 Super 2-Soc 3% Spear(B). 300 13,500,000 Name: +4 Shield(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L70 Super 2-Soc 3% Shield(B). 300 13,500,000 Name: +4 Katana(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L70 Super 2-Soc 3% Katana(B). 300 13,500,000 Name: +4 Rapier(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L70 Super 2-Soc 3% Rapier(B). 300 13,500,000 Name: +4 Pistol(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L70 Super 2-Soc 3% Pistol(B). 300 13,500,000 Name: +4 Trojan Armor(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L70 Super 1-Soc 3% Trojan Armor(B). 350 16,000,000 Name: +4 Taoist Robe(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L70 Super 1-Soc 3% Taoist Robe(B). 350 16,000,000 Name: +4 Monk Robe(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L70 Super 1-Soc 3% Monk Robe(B). 350 16,000,000 Name: +4 Pirate Coat(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L70 Super 1-Soc 3% Pirate Coat(B). 350 16,000,000 Name: +4 Ninja Vest(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L70 Super 1-Soc 3% Ninja Vest(B). 350 16,000,000 Name: +4 Archer Coat(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L67 Super 1-Soc 3% Archer Coat(B). 350 16,000,000 Name: +4 Warrior Armor(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L70 Super 1-Soc 3% Warrior Armor(B). 350 16,000,000 Name: +4 Trojan Coronet(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L67 Super 1-Soc 3% Trojan Coronet(B). 350 16,000,000 Name: +4 Warrior Helmet(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L67 Super 1-Soc 3% Warrior Helmet(B). 340 15,000,000 Name: +4 Taoist Cap(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L70 Super 1-Soc 3% Taoist Cap(B). 350 16,000,000 Name: +4 Archer Hat(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L62 Super 1-Soc 3% Archer Hat(B). 340 15,000,000 Name: +4 Ninja Hood(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L67 Super 1-Soc 3% Ninja Hood(B). 350 16,000,000 Name: +4 Monk Headband(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L67 Super 1-Soc 3% Monk Headband(B). 350 16,000,000 Name: +4 Pirate Hood(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L67 Super 1-Soc 3% Pirate Hood(B). 350 16,000,000 Name: +4 Heart Nunchaku(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L70 Super 1-Soc 3% Heart Nunchaku(B). 300 13,000,000 Name: +4 Combat Suit(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L70 Super 1-Soc 3% Combat Suit(B). 350 16,000,000 Name: +4 Breeze Hood (B) Pack Description: For Dragon Warrior. Open it to get a +4 L67 Super 1-Soc 3% Breeze Hood (B). 350 16,000,000 Name: +4 Odd Dagger (B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L13 Super 1-Soc 3% Odd dagger (B). 500 23,000,000 Name: +4LoveForeverFemale(B)Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L20 3% Lover Forever Female (B). 1400 63,000,000 Name: +4LoveForeverMale(B)Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L20 3% Lover Forever Male (B). 1400 63,000,000 Name: +4 Heavy Ring (B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +4 L13 Super 1-Soc 3% Heavy Ring (B). 500 23,000,000 Name: +4 Desire Hossu Pack (B) Description: Open to receive a Super +4 Desire Hossu (B). 330 15,000,000 +6 Equipment(B) Item Description Price (CP) Price (Silver) Name: +6 Crackle Headwear (B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 Super 2-Soc 5% CrackleHeadwear (B). 1799 80,000,000 Name: +6 Rumble Armor (B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 Super 2-Soc 5% RumbleArmor (B). 1799 80,000,000 Name: +6 Glory Stormhammer (B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 Super 2-Soc 5% GloryStormhammer (B). 1599 71,000,000 Name: +6 Shadow Flashaxe (B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 Super 2-Soc 5% ShadowFlashaxe (B). 1599 71,000,000 Name: +6 Ring(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L70 Super 2-Soc 5% Ring(B). 3200 144,000,000 Name: +6 Necklace(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L67 Super 2-Soc 5% Necklace(B). 3200 144,000,000 Name: +6 Boots(B) Pack Description: Open it to get +6 L70 Super 2-Soc 5% Boots(B). 3200 144,000,000 Name: +6 Earring(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L67 Super 2-Soc 5% Earring(B). 3200 144,000,000 Name: +6 Bag(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L67 Super 2-Soc 5% Bag(B). 3100 139,000,000 Name: +6 Bracelet(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L65 Super 2-Soc 5% Bracelet(B). 3100 139,000,000 Name: +6 Tower(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L100 Super 2-Soc 1% Star Tower(B). 2300 103,000,000 Name: +6 Fan(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L100 Super 2-Soc 1% Heaven Fan(B). 2300 103,000,000 Name: +6 Crop(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L30 Super 1% Riding Crop(B). 900 40,000,000 Name: +6 Poisoned Blade(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L70 Super 2-Soc 5% Poisoned Blade(B). 1300 58,000,000 Name: +6 Knife(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L70 Super 2-Soc 5% Knife(B). 1300 58,000,000 Name: +6 Scythe(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L70 Super 2-Soc 5% Scythe(B). 1300 58,000,000 Name: +6 Wand(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L70 Super 2-Soc 5% Wand(B). 1100 49,000,000 Name: +6 Spear(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L70 Super 2-Soc 5% Spear(B). 1100 49,000,000 Name: +6 Blade(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L70 Super 2-Soc 5% Blade(B). 1100 49,000,000 Name: +6 Sword(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L70 Super 2-Soc 5% Sword(B). 1100 49,000,000 Name: +6 Club(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L70 Super 2-Soc 5% Club(B). 1100 49,000,000 Name: +6 Shield(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L70 Super 2-Soc 5% Shield(B). 1100 49,000,000 Name: +6 Backsword(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L70 Super 2-Soc 5% Backsword(B). 1100 49,000,000 Name: +6 Bow(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L70 Super 2-Soc 5% Bow(B). 1100 49,000,000 Name: +6 Katana(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L70 Super 2-Soc 5% Katana(B). 1000 45,000,000 Name: +6 Beads(B) Pack Description: Open it to get +6 L70 Super 2-Soc 5% Beads(B). 1300 58,000,000 Name: +6 Rapier(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L70 Super 2-Soc 5% Rapier(B). 1000 45,000,000 Name: +6 Pistol(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L70 Super 2-Soc 5% Pistol(B). 1000 45,000,000 Name: +6 Warrior Helmet(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L67 Super 2-Soc 5% Warrior Helmet(B). 1599 95,000,000 Name: +6 Trojan Coronet(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L67 Super 2-Soc 5% Trojan Coronet(B). 1599 95,000,000 Name: +6 Taoist Cap(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L70 Super 2-Soc 5% Taoist Cap(B). 1599 95,000,000 Name: +6 Archer Plume(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L62 Super 2-Soc 5% Archer Plume(B). 1599 95,000,000 Name: +6 Ninja Hood(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L67 Super 2-Soc 5% Ninja Hood(B). 1599 95,000,000 Name: +6 Monk Headband(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L67 Super 2-Soc 5% Monk Headband(B). 1100 49,000,000 Name: +6 Pirate Hood(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L67 Super 2-Soc 5% Pirate Hood(B). 1100 49,000,000 Name: +6 Warrior Armor(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L70 Super 2-Soc 5% Warrior Armor(B). 1400 63,000,000 Name: +6 Trojan Armor(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L70 Super 2-Soc 5% Trojan Armor(B). 1400 63,000,000 Name: +6 Taoist Robe(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L70 Super 2-Soc 5% Taoist Robe(B). 1400 63,000,000 Name: +6 Archer Coat(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L67 Super 2-Soc 5% Archer Coat(B). 1400 63,000,000 Name: +6 Ninja Vest(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L70 Super 2-Soc 5% Ninja Vest(B). 1100 49,000,000 Name: +6 Monk Robe(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L70 Super 2-Soc 5% Monk Robe(B). 1100 49,000,000 Name: +6 Pirate Coat(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L70 Super 2-Soc 5% Pirate Coat(B). 1100 49,000,000 Name: +6 Heart Nunchaku(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L70 Super 2-Soc 5% Heart Nunchaku. 1100 49,000,000 Name: +6 Combat Suit(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L70 Super 2-Soc 5% Combat Suit(B). 1400 63,000,000 Name: +6 Breeze Hood (B) Pack Description: For Dragon Warrior. Open it to get a +6 L70 Super 2-Soc 5% Breeze Hood (B). 1400 63,000,000 Name: +6 Dark Cloud Hat(B) Box Description: Open it to get a +6 L15 super 2-Soc 5% Dark Cloud Hat(B). 1800 81,000,000 Name: +6 Mystic Windrobe(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L15 Super 2-Soc 5% Mystic Windrobe(B). 1800 81,000,000 Name: +6 Pride Fan(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L15 Super 2-Soc 5% Pride Fan(B). 1700 76,000,000 Name: +6 Sky Flame(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L15 Super 2-Soc 5% Sky Flame(B). 1400 63,000,000 Name: +6 Odd Dagger (B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L15 Super 2-Soc 5% Odd dagger (B). 3100 139,000,000 Name: +6 Lover Forever Female (B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L20 5% Lover Forever Female (B). 4200 189,000,000 Name: +6 Lover Forever Male (B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L205% Lover Forever Male (B). 4200 189,000,000 Name: +6 Heavy Ring (B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +6 L15 Super 2-Soc 5% Heavy Ring (B). 3100 139,000,000 Name: +6 Desire Hossu Pack (B) Description: Open to receive a Super +6 Desire Hossu (B). 1100 49,000,000 +8 Equipment(B) Item Description Price (CP) Price (Silver) Name: +8 Crackle Headwear (B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +8 Super 2-Soc 7% CrackleHeadwear (B). 6299 252,000,000 Name: +8 Rumble Armor (B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +8 Super 2-Soc 7% RumbleArmor (B). 6299 252,000,000 Name: +8 Glory Stormhammer (B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +8 Super 2-Soc 7% GloryStormhammer (B). 6099 244,000,000 Name: +8 ShadowFlashaxe (B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +8 Super 2-Soc 7% ShadowFlashaxe (B). 6099 244,000,000 Name: +8 Ring(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +8 L70 Super 2-Soc 7% Ring(B). 7700 308,000,000 Name: +8 Necklace(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +8 L67 Super 2-Soc 7% Necklace(B). 7700 308,000,000 Name: +8 Boots(B) Pack Description: Open it to get +8 L70 Super 2-Soc 7% Boots(B). 7700 308,000,000 Name: +8 Earring(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +8 L67 Super 2-Soc 7% Earring(B). 7700 308,000,000 Name: +8 Bag(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +8 L67 Super 2-Soc 7% Bag(B). 7600 304,000,000 Name: +8 Bracelet(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +8 L65 Super 2-Soc 7% Bracelet(B). 7600 304,000,000 Name: +8 Tower(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +8 L100 Super 2-Soc 1% Star Tower(B). 6800 272,000,000 Name: +8 Fan(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +8 L100 Super 2-Soc 1% Heaven Fan(B). 6800 272,000,000 Name: +8 Crop(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +8 L30 Super 1% Riding Crop(B). 5400 216,000,000 Name: +8 Poisoned Blade(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +8 L70 Super 2-Soc 7% Poisoned Blade(B). 5800 232,000,000 Name: +8 Knife(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +8 L70 Super 2-Soc 7% Knife(B). 5800 232,000,000 Name: +8 Scythe(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +8 L70 Super 2-Soc 7% Scythe(B). 5800 232,000,000 Name: +8 Wand(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +8 L70 Super 2-Soc 7% Wand(B). 5600 224,000,000 Name: +8 Spear(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +8 L70 Super 2-Soc 7% Spear(B). 5600 224,000,000 Name: +8 Blade(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +8 L70 Super 2-Soc 7% Blade(B). 5600 224,000,000 Name: +8 Sword(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +8 L70 Super 2-Soc 7% Sword(B). 5600 224,000,000 Name: +8 Club(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +8 L70 Super 2-Soc 7% Club(B). 5600 224,000,000 Name: +8 Shield(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +8 L70 Super 2-Soc 7% Shield(B). 5600 224,000,000 Name: +8 Backsword(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +8 L70 Super 2-Soc 7% Backsword(B). 5600 224,000,000 Name: +8 Bow(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +8 L70 Super 2-Soc 7% Bow(B). 5600 224,000,000 Name: +8 Katana(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +8 L70 Super 2-Soc 7% Katana(B). 5500 220,000,000 Name: +8 Beads(B) Pack Description: Open it to get +8 L70 Super 2-Soc 7% Beads(B). 5800 232,000,000 Name: +8 Rapier(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +8 L70 Super 2-Soc 7% Rapier(B). 5500 220,000,000 Name: +8 Pistol(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +8 L70 Super 2-Soc 7% Pistol(B). 5500 220,000,000 Name: +8 Warrior Helmet(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +8 L67 Super 2-Soc 7% Warrior Helmet(B). 5900 236,000,000 Name: +8 Trojan Coronet(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +8 L67 Super 2-Soc 7% Trojan Coronet(B). 5900 236,000,000 Name: +8 Taoist Cap(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +8 L70 Super 2-Soc 7% Taoist Cap(B). 5900 236,000,000 Name: +8 Archer Plume(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +8 L62 Super 2-Soc 7% Archer Plume(B). 5900 236,000,000 Name: +8 Ninja Hood(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +8 L67 Super 2-Soc 7% Ninja Hood(B). 5900 236,000,000 Name: +8 Monk Headband(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +8 L67 Super 2-Soc 7% Monk Headband(B). 5600 224,000,000 Name: +8 Pirate Hood(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +8 L67 Super 2-Soc 7% Pirate Hood(B). 5600 224,000,000 Name: +8 Warrior Armor(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +8 L70 Super 2-Soc 7% Warrior Armor(B). 5900 236,000,000 Name: +8 Trojan Armor(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +8 L70 Super 2-Soc 7% Trojan Armor(B). 5900 236,000,000 Name: +8 Taoist Robe(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +8 L70 Super 2-Soc 7% Taoist Robe(B). 5900 236,000,000 Name: +8 Archer Coat(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +8 L67 Super 2-Soc 7% Archer Coat(B). 5900 236,000,000 Name: +8 Ninja Vest(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +8 L70 Super 2-Soc 7% Ninja Vest(B). 5600 224,000,000 Name: +8 Monk Robe(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +8 L70 Super 2-Soc 7% Monk Robe(B). 5600 224,000,000 Name: +8 Pirate Coat(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +8 L70 Super 2-Soc 7% Pirate Coat(B). 5600 224,000,000 Name: +8 Heart Nunchaku(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +8 L70 Super 2-Soc 7% Heart Nunchaku. 5600 224,000,000 Name: +8 Combat Suit(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +8 L70 Super 2-Soc 7% Combat Suit(B). 5900 236,000,000 Name: +8 Breeze Hood (B) Pack Description: For Dragon Warrior. Open it to get a +8 L70 Super 2-Soc 7% Breeze Hood (B). 5900 236,000,000 Name: +8 Dark Cloud Hat(B) Box Description: Open it to get a +8 L15 super 2-Soc 7% Dark Cloud Hat(B). 6300 252,000,000 Name: +8 Mystic Windrobe(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +8 L15 Super 2-Soc 7% Mystic Windrobe(B). 6300 252,000,000 Name: +8 Pride Fan(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +8 L15 Super 2-Soc 7% Pride Fan(B). 6200 248,000,000 Name: +8 Sky Flame(B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +8 L15 Super 2-Soc 7% Sky Flame(B). 5900 236,000,000 Name: +8 Odd Dagger (B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +8 L15 Super 2-Soc 7% Odd dagger (B). 7600 304,000,000 Name: +8 Lover Forever Female (B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +8 L20 7% Lover Forever Female (B). 8700 348,000,000 Name: +8 Lover Forever Male (B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +8 L207% Lover Forever Male (B). 8700 348,000,000 Name: +8 Heavy Ring (B) Pack Description: Open it to get a +8 L15 Super 2-Soc 7% Heavy Ring (B). 7600 304,000,000 Name: +8 Desire Hossu Pack (B) Description: Open to receive a Super +8 Desire Hossu (B). 9000 360,000,000...

  • [不显示在首页的event] New Server NinjasAssemble - Reservation Gifts 日期:2020-04-20 14:52:00 点击:138 好评:0

    Duration: April 21st - April 28th Its time to get your reservation reward! NPC Location Thunderman Twin City(361,395) Players who log in to the new server can signin with Thunderman. As long as players make reservations on the page and signin in-game, youcan receive rich reservation rewards. The New Server Reservation Gifts including: 100 CP(B)s Exp Ball *5 MeteorScroll(B) *5 The Weapons of Ninja The Equipments of Ninja etc......

  • [不显示在首页的event] Bounty Hall 日期:2020-04-20 01:31:00 点击:188 好评:0

    Name Bounty Hall Duration Since Apr. 21, 2020 Reward Name: Advanced Sigil Pack Description: Open to randomly get Sigils or Essences. The chances of getting advanced Sigils like Bloodline Sigils from it are higher. Name: Sigil Pack Description: Open to randomly get Sigils or Essences. Name: Arcane Essence Description: Use to upgrade Sigils. Name: Legendary Essence Description: Use to increase 10 points of Weapon Spirits. You can get it from the Bounty Hall or via Spirit Polishing. Besides, there are lots of EXP, +Stones, Star Stones and so on. Servers Available All Servers Requirement Level 40+ Chances for Claiming Rewards Unlimited Place to Claim Quests Bounty Hall Button Key NPC Name: Night Bat Coordinate: (Twin City 313,451; Market200,184) Function: Guidance Brief Walkthrough 1.Heroes reaching level 40 can claim quests in the Bounty Hall. 2.The quests are classified into 4 grades: Easy, Normal, Hard and Expert. The value of rewards will increase with the rising difficulty level. 3.If you dont like the recommended quests, just refresh to get new ones. 4.Claim your reward in the Bounty Hall after you complete the quest. Ninja and Trojan will have special rewards. Detailed Walkthrough The Shade is the biggest middle organization of rewarded quests. As long as you pay enough, your quest will be completed by Bounty Hunters. The quests are classified into 4 grades: Easy, Normal, Hard and Expert. The value of rewards will increase with the rising difficulty level. If you dont like the recommended quests, just refresh to get new ones. If you see adesiredquest, dont hesitate to claim it. Then you can go to do the quest following the Doing Quest button. Claim your reward in the Bounty Hall after you complete the quest. Ninja and Trojan will have special rewards from the Bounty Hall. Heroes of other classes will also received great rewards of the same value. Come to start your career as a Bounty Hunter!...

  • [不显示在首页的event] Inspired Ninjas FAQ 日期:2020-04-13 18:01:00 点击:86 好评:0

    Note: There may still be changes before the expansion is released, please refer to the final version....

  • [不显示在首页的event] Ninjutsu Skills 日期:2020-04-13 17:52:17 点击:71 好评:0

    Note: There may still be changes before the expansion is released, please refer to the final version....

  • [不显示在首页的event] Ninja Sprint - Inspire from the Darkness 日期:2020-04-13 00:37:00 点击:152 好评:0

    Note: There may still be changes before the expansion is released, please refer to the final version....

  • [不显示在首页的event] Global Fool & Fun Event 日期:2020-03-31 00:55:00 点击:180 好评:0

    Find Great Fool to get mysterious rewards!...

  • [不显示在首页的event] Anniversary Grand Sale - Badge Rank 日期:2020-03-19 19:49:06 点击:92 好评:0

    Bound Equipment Unbound Equipment Bound Item Fortune Wheel Unbound Item Fashion Items Stamp Rank Duration: March 19th to April 13th Note: Heroes in Server Sovereign, Furnace and GoldRush can not participate in the event. NPC: Jennifer Rank Page Note: The top 100 heroes who submitted the most Awakening Tokens (Stamps) will win precious rewards. You need to submit at least 5,000 Stamps to be ranked in top 100 and get the rank reward. Since Vault_EU is a special server in which players can get CPs for free, the data of Stamps in this server will not be counted in Firework Rank, we will remove players from Vault_EU in the final rank, your understanding will be much appreciated. You can getthecorresponding amount of Stamps from Bound Equipment Packs, Bound Item Packs, Unbound Item Packs and Fashion Item Packs in Spring Grand Sale. The top 100 heroes who submitted the most Stamps will win precious rewards. Rank Rewards 1 Select one from Budding Flower (Legend) (B), Butterfly Rose (B), Commander Robe (Wealth) (B), Lava Cat Robe (Star) (B) and Christmas Harmony (B). Select one from Violet Wings (B), Love Wings (B), Wings of Planet (B), Wings of Heart (B) and Fairy Wings (B). Universal Rune Essence (B) * 3000 2 Select one from Budding Flower (Legend) (B), Butterfly Rose (B) and CommanderRobe (Wealth) (B). Select one from Violet Wings (B), Love Wings (B) and Wings of Planet (B). Universal Rune Essence (B) * 2000 3 Butterfly Rose (B) Violet Wings Universal Rune Essence (B) * 1000 4 to 10 180-Day Commander Robe (Wealth) (B) 180-Day Violet Wings Dragon Fruit * 50 11 to 20 120-Day Flaming Warrior (Elite) (B) 120-Day Violet Wings Dragon Fruit * 30 21 to 50 90-Day Flaming Warrior (Elite) (B) 90-Day Violet Wings Dragon Fruit * 10 51 to 100 30-Day Butterfly Flower (B) Dragon Fruit * 5...

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