Blue Or Yellow | Special Delivery | Punish the Profiteers
Time: Sep 8th to Sep 13th
Requirements: Level 40 or above
Festival Envoy (Twin City 427,366)
Craftsman Ni (Twin City 428, 388)
Maze Guard (Maze 66,140 | 66,113 | 66,86 | 93,140 | 93,113 | 93,86 | 120,140 | 120,113 | 120,86)
Reward: Mid-Autumn Pack, Moon Pack
1. Talk to the Festival Envoy in the Twin City to get clues about the Mid-Autumn Festival events.
2. Find Craftsman Ni in Twin City to sign up for the event.
3. Finish the quests he gives, and you can claim your reward.
1. He is color-blind, so be careful when he tells you about the quest requirements!
2. He only requires your help 5 times a day.
3. You can buy the Teleporting Spells from him to teleport you in the maze.
4. You can talk to the maze guards if you want to leave the maze.
5. You can only stay in the Maze for 5 minutes. After that, you will be sent back to Twin City. The maze will appear again after 30 minutes.