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Chinese Valentine's Day Quests

Exorcism | Lover's Blessing | Paper Cranes | Valentine's Celebration


Requirement: Level 80 or above

Time: August 9th - 14th

NPC: Love Messenger (Twin City 425, 365); Heavenly Master (Market 244, 150); Earth Master (Black Burrow 36, 22); Thrilling Spooks (Black Burrow, summoned)

Rewards: Exorcism Token, Study Points, Moonlight Pack or Exorcism Pack


1. Talk to the Love Messenger in Twin City, and he will guide you to the Market to look for the Heavenly Master.

2. Find the Heavenly Master in the Market (244, 150) and speak with him to learn about the details of the quest.


3. Take the quest and enter the Black Burrow, which can be reached from the portal standing nearby.

4. Talk to the Earth Master in the Black Burrow to release the Thrilling Spooks for you, and then prepare for a battle to the death!


5. After you have killed the Thrilling Spook, hurry to find the Heavenly Master for your prize.

1. The Thrilling Spook is powerful, so you may want to bring along some help.
2. You can only claim a reward once a day..
3. You are free to exchange three tokens into an Exorcism Pack, if you manage to get them.