Requirements: Level 70+ 2nd Reborn
NPC: Head Abbot (Job Center 36,33), Golden Cicada (Western Paradise 86,68), Fortune Arhat (Western Paradise 79,81i), Altar Cleanser(Western Paradise 62,76), Victory Buddha (Western Paradise 60,55), White Dragon (Oriental Fairyland 54,63)
Quest Item:
Name | Description |
![]() Boundless Heart |
With infinite power of Buddhism, it can be used to transform Monk’s Prayer Beads into a legendary Epic Weapon. |
![]() Wrath of the Emperor Scroll |
Monk can use it to learn Wrath of the Emperor, a passive skill exclusive for Monk’s Divine Pillar, from Head Abbot. |
![]() Grace of Heaven Scroll |
Monk can use it to learn Grace of Heaven, a passive skill exclusive for Monk’s Divine Pillar, form Head Abbot. |
![]() Infernal Echo Scroll |
Monk can use it to learn Infernal Echo, a skill exclusive for Monk’s Divine Pillar, form Head Abbot. |
Quest Item:
Name | Description |
![]() Buddhist Sutta |
This mysterious manual provides precious information about Monk’s Epic weapon. Use it to see Head Abbot, and get 30-min EXP. |
![]() Red Flower |
It can be used together with the White Flowers to activate the Refined Pure Oven for making a Treasure Leaf. |
![]() White Flower |
It can be used together with the Red Flowers to activate the Refined Pure Oven for making a Treasure Leaf. |
![]() Spiritual Gem |
This brilliant gem will help you remove distracting thoughts at the Altar Cleanser(Western Paradise 62,76) |
![]() Buddha's Necklace |
This splendid necklace will help you acquire the essence of Buddhism at Victory Buddha(Western Paradise 60,55) |
![]() Rosewood Incense |
Exchange this increase with the White Dragon (Oriental Fairyland 54,63) for various treasures like Monk’s Skill Books. |
1. Talk to Head Abbot (Job Center 084,044) to enter the Western Paradise.
2. Pay a visit to Golden Cicada to learn about the method of making the Boundless Heart. There are 3 stages for you to achieve the goal:
Stage 1: Submit 3 Red Flowers and 3 White Flowers to Fortune Arhat, and complete this trial to get a [Spiritual Gem].
Note: If you failed to obtain a Spiritual Gem, you'll have to submit 3 Red Flowers and 3 White Flowers to Fortune Arhat again.
Stage 2: Submit [Spiritual Gem] to the Altar Cleanser, and remove distracting thoughts to get [Buddha’s Necklace].
Note: If you failed to obtain a Buddha’s Necklace, you'll have to return to Fortune Arhat, and retry to obtain a Spiritual Gem again.
Stage 3: Submit [Buddha’s Necklace] to the Victory Buddha, and complete this trial to get a [Boundless Heart].
Note: If you failed to obtain a Boundless Heart, you'll have to return to Altar Cleanser, and retry to obtain a Buddha’s Necklace again.
3. Once you obtain a Boundless Heart, use it to reshape your right-handed Bond into an Epic Weapon of Monk.
4. If you want to reshape your left-handed Bond into Epic Weapon, you need to repeat the process form step 1 to step 3 again.
5. If you fail to obtain the key items in the Altar Cleanser and Victory Buddha, instead you'll receive Rosewood Incense. Rosewood Incense, you can exchange with the White Dragon (Oriental Fairyland 54,63) for fabulous rewards, such as an skill scroll, Chi Point, Free Courses and Protection Pill.
6. After obtaining Monk's Epic Weapon, Monks can use the skill scroll to learn exclusive skills.