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CP Shower Coming This Weekend!

Date: Feb 10 2011 03:41:55 Source: Official Views:

We just celebrated the Lunar Spring Festival, and very soon, the most romantic Valentine's Day will be upon us! Can you just feel the power of love and romance in the air? Sweet flowers, perfume, and sharing gifts with the one you love! But what can make this Valentine's Day a little bit different? How about logging in and joining us in a crazy CP hunt? Yeah, that sounds just about right!

The CP Shower is coming back again, this weekend! From Feb. 12th 01:00 - Feb. 14th 01:00 (PST), all players above Level 30 will have the chance to obtain Bound CPs while they're out hunting the monsters scattered throughout the vast land of Conquer! How lucky will you be, this Valentine's? We'll see, this weekend!

The CO TEAM wishes you a wonderful weekend and very happy Valentine's Day!