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[JTeam] The Great General - Chapter 2
Source: Author: Deltalord Posted on: Jul 19 2009 20:01:18 Views:

Soldiers rallied at the gates of Twin City and readied themselves to move into defensive positions. The eagle eyed scouts had reported the distance of the trojan troops to the commanders and action had to be taken. They began to fortify the outskirts of Twin City; they set up fortifications and smaller villages around the main city for the troops.

We join the soldiers of the 6th regiment a bunch of new recruits, whom one was Luca.

"I heard the Ape City has fallen to the Trojans!" whispered the small figure aside Luca. This small man was Ephraim a boy just turned man at 18 the minimum age of recruitment; he was an archer and one of the most promising in training school.

"Yes, it is possible that they have taken it. I hope the rumours are wrong, I had many good friends there and my tutor was stationed there." replied Luca his helmet pulled down over his face.

The regiment captain ascended to address his troops. Captain Gilliam was notorious for his dedication to troops under his command.

"Troops we have been assigned to infiltrate Ape City and hold it until we can get assistance to the gates, we will be moving in a small contingent of 5 units to remain undetected, the following troops will be coming!"

The captain read out the names amongst the troops were Luca, Ephraim and two other archers.

The troop set out at first light and began to cross the desert plains heading towards the Ape City border.

"Keep it tight don't attract any attention there is bound to be guards on the border we have about two hours after we take the border till word gets to ape city." The five units moved into position behind the tree line about 150 metres from the border. Ephraim and the rest of the archers drew their string until it was at full tension assessed the wind and loosed the three guards on top of the battlements fell and Gilliam and Luca moved in to clear the border post.

Luca drew his short dagger and followed closely to Gilliam, the guards had not seen or heard anything unusual and were in the makeshift hut drinking and playing games, they had not expected any trouble within the border fort so they had thrown down the armour and weapons in the corners. Luca and Gilliam crept into the hut and like that the 10 guards where down and not a sound was heard. Thirty minutes later Luca and Gilliam re-emerged from the fort and the troop crossed the border at great haste.

The troop travelled along the cliff edge rock-climbing along the great drop, it was dangerous but the only way to travel un-avoided, usually they would travel slowly to avoid the disaster of falling but time was not on their side they had only an hour and three quarters to get to the city and release any hostages and retake the city. Only an hour till deadline and the troops were now scaling the walls of the city, Gilliam led the troops up the wall, he stopped just short of the top and waited for the guard to pass him he took out the guard, and the troop moved into the depths of the city undetected. The city was a shadow of its former self the markets were empty and blood stained the once shiny cobbles, citizens remained under curfew and could not enter the streets, the troop split into two Gilliam, Luca and Ephraim moved down the right side of the city perimeter the archers down the left. The met up at the castle sewer pipe.

"Right this is it troops we have only thirty minutes until word gets back we need to move" The troops entered the sewer and navigated their way until underneath the dungeons, no sound came from above the trojan regime was ruthless and any talk was put down. The trojan army not being the brightest left the dungeons mostly unguarded. Gilliam emerged from the pipe and dispatched the guards, they released and briefed the prisoners, whilst Luca talked with his mentor Artur.

The now great army emerged into the city and took all the guards by surprise news had not yet returned the guard was slain and the city under the co-allegiances control. But horror soon filled the city one single messenger had escaped and was on the way to the main army garrison that held at least five times as many soldiers than that of the troops inside the city currently. The troops began to take up defensive positions all archers and taos were placed atop the walls and the warriors filled the street.

Hours passed and the generals were in discussion on the battle soon to follow, within the conference room stood Gilliam, Artur and the King of ape city.

"We need to hold out and wait for reinforcements!" said Gilliam.
"Well that's all very well but most of the troops have never held a weapon and haven't eaten in weeks." replied the king.
"Well we have to at least try" replied Artur. And with that a plan was made they were to hold out in hope that the reinforcements from afar could reach them in the city before it was to late.

The earth began to shake under the foot of armoured trojans their numbers were vast and their strength great. They set up camp just on the outside of archers firing range and began to move their siege weapons into position, there were catapults, siege towers and ballista's and soon they began to advance on the city gates. The time had come for soldiers to make their name in the defence of ape city and the time of reckoning had begun for the trojans had descended on the plains of the co-allegiance.

"Archers prepare to loose!" called Ephraim.
"Warriors draw swords!" called Gilliam.
"Mages prepare to cast!" called Artur and Luca.

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