(US Server)
(EU Server)

Monster Elimination

Server Time: July 30th - Aug 13th

Requirements: Level 70 and above

NPC: Master Zeng (Twin City, 443, 361)

Monster Elimination


1. Talk to Master Zeng to hear the details of this event.

2. From July 30th to Aug 13th, the monsters will become enraged and attack every 2 hours. You will need to kill 500 of them in each round.

3. Once you finish clearing out 500 monsters, you can talk to Master Zeng to claim your reward.


1. You can be rewarded up to 3 times a day.

2. You will get an additional award if you are one of the first 5 players of your class who can finish the quest in each round. If you are the first one of your class, the prize will be even better!

3. Kills will not be counted if your level is 20 levels higher than the monster you killed.

4. Even if you are the first one to finish the quest in the current round, you will not get the 1st prize if you are still on the quest from a previous round.