Event Duration: Beginning on Oct. 29th at 18:30 and ending on Nov. 2nd at 18:00 Walkthrough: 1. Talk to Vampire De La Vega: Find him near the lakeside in Twin City. Talk to him and hear about his plight. Find out when the doors to the haunted catacombs will be open. Choose to enter the catacombs at those times: 10:00 - 11:00 am, 13:00 - 14:00 pm, and 20:00 - 21:00 pm.
2. Make Jack-o`-Lanterns: Kill Parafin Goaties until they drop a candle. Kill Pumpkin Goaties until they drop a pumpkin . Take both these items and walk through the holy fire near the Fire Lord NPC. This makes a jack-o`-lantern. Then take it to the Fire Lord to be teleported to the next test
3. The Crystal Riddler and Hermit`s Scroll: Kill Stoned Golems until they drop Resin. Talk to all the runes (floating stones) to see which color corresponds to which letter. Then talk to the Crystal Riddler and ask to pass through to the next level (which consumes the resin).
The riddler will say a sequence of colors. Players must figure out the sequence of corresponding letters to those colors, then choose the appropriate answer from the list. If the combination is wrong, the Resin is consumed. If the player is right, he will receive an important Hermit`s Scroll, and be teleported to the next level.
4. The Ghost Alchemist and Vampire Blood: Talk to the ghost alchemist to receive an empty flask. Then kill hundreds of bloodsuckers. These monsters sometimes drop sticky plasma. When you have four sticky plasmas, open your inventory and right click on the empty flask. This will combine the flask and four sticky plasmas into Vampire Blood. Talk to the ghost alchemist again to pass to the next level.
5. The Infernal Taylor and Vampire Cloak: Talk to the Infernal taylor, he tells you about sewing the vampire cloak. Kill the monsters ont his level until you have the hide of each one: Mangy Skin from a Mangy Grave Rat, Bat Leather from a Guano Pooper, and Werewolf Fur from a Shaggy Werewolf. When you have all three, talk to the Infernal Taylor NPC to combine and sew the vampire cloak. Talk to him again to pass to the next level.
6. The Dark Demon Lord and Coffin Key: First, talk to all of the NPCs here. They give clues as to how you solve the puzzle. The Dark Demon Lord won`t talk to you unless you look like a vampire. You must become a vampire to get the coffin key back. Open your inventory, make sure you have the Hermit`s Scroll, Vampire Blood and Vampire Cloak. Right click on the Hermit`s Scroll to combine these items and make the Vampire Morpher. Right click the vampire morpher to change into a Vampire. Then, talk to the NPCs again to get different dialogues. The Dark Demon Lord will give you the Coffin Key for De La Vega and teleport you back to Twin City.
7. Claiming Rewards: Change into a human, or wait for your vampire transformation to end. Then talk to De La Vega to give back his Coffin Key. He`ll give you a special candy wrapper. Take the wrapper to jack-o`-lanterns. Some jack-o`-lan in Twin City contain Vampire Candy. If you give the Candy Wrapper, you`ll receive the Vampire Candy. |