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Golden Secret

Anniversary Director | Dream of Wealth | Golden Secret
Puzzle Game | Special Souvenirs | Sunshine Gem | Wishing Bottle

Time: May 16th---May 31st

Requirement: Level 80+

Rewards: Anniversary Joy Pack

Non-reborn players can open it to receive Firework*1,Carnival Ticket*1 and a random gift from ExpBall(B), Small Praying Stone(B),Exp Potion(B), Endurance Book, Normal Gem, Refine Gem, 7-day-Weapon accessory(B),Saddle, Bomb and Meteor.

1st Reborn Players can open it to receive Firework*2,Carnival Ticket*1 and a random gift from Exp Ball, ExpBall*3, PrayingStone(S),PrayingStone(M), Exp Potion, Endurance Book, Endurance Book*4, Penitence Amulet, Refine Gem, 7-day blessed Weapon Accessory(B), SunnyFox, Saddle*5, Bomb, Orchid, Pure Water and Meteor.

2nd Reborn Players can open it to receive Firework*3,Carnival Ticket*1 and a random gift from Exp Ball, ExpBall*3, PrayingStone(S),PrayingStone(M), Exp Potion, Endurance Book, Endurance Book*4, Penitence Amulet, Penitence Amulet*6, Refine Gem, Super Gem, Normal Gem(Thunder,Glory or Tortoise), 7-day blessed Weapon Accessory(B), SunnyFox, Saddle*5, Bomb, Orchid, Pure Water, Celestial Stone, Meteor, Meteor Scroll, Small Lottery Ticket*3, Vigor Pill and Dragon Ball.

CarnivalFirework--------Right click to set off this firework and receive 10 minutes of EXP.
SunnyFox--------A lovely fox. You`ll receive 6 hours of Blessing when you play with it at the first time every day, from May 16th - 31st.

NPC: Agent Zero (Twin City 440,350)

Quest Items:

KeyBag--------This bag is filled with keys. You can use a key to open the treasure chest. Right click to use
IronKey--------This key looks plain. Use it to open the treasure chest, and you have a chance to get the Gold Key.
CopperKey--------A normal key. Use it to open the treasure chest, and you have a chance to get the Gold Key
SilverKey--------A delicate key. Use it to open the treasure chest, and you have a chance to get the Gold Key.
GoldKey--------The key is made of the finest gold. Use it to open the Golden Treasure Chest.
GoldenTreasureChest--------Open it with GoldKey to get the treasure inside.

Walk Through:

1. All players who have reached level 80 or been reborn can claim a Key Bag from Agent Zero

2. With the keys in the Key Bag, you can catch Chest Demons in the wild and force them to give you a better key they have.

3. You may get the Iron Key, the Copper Key, the Silver Key, and even the Gold Key from Chest Demons.

4. When you get a Gold Key, you can open the Golden Treasure Chest and receive a surprise!

Note:You can open the Golden Treasure Chest once a day.