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[JTeam] The Kinder, the Gentler of Gaming
Source: Author: Hawk Posted on: Jul 19 2009 20:00:02 Views:

Some folks may call me a wuss, but I've always been a person (in life as well as in-game) that expects and assumes the best of a person. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not completely naive, if a glowing trojan hops up while I'm leveling at a place, and starts to "observe my gears carefully", I don't automatically assume, "Hey, this guy wants to be my friend!", but I will give him the benefit of the doubt and be on my guard in case he tries to fatally "shake my hand".

I strive to lead by example. If someone needs my help, I will go out of my way to help. It never hurts to build some "virtual karma"! Everyone, at one point or another, will need or has needed help for some reason or another in-game. I feel if I offer that help, this person may be in a position to help me at some point in the future and if not, at least I feel better about myself for having "done the right thing".

This probably goes back to the first time I played Conquer, several years ago. I cautiously eased out of Twin City with my head on a swivel, wondering which high level player was going to lop my head off just because he had nothing better to do at the time (or maybe it's fun to hassle newbies). Just then a kindly archer approached and I ran! (I still hadn't learned how to hop!) I zigged and zagged, as pheasants took tiny bites out of my posterior, until finally he cornered me. Thoughts flashed through my head "Should I beg? Should I try to hit him? Should I just log off?". Then he spoke: "Hey bud, need some help?".

Whew, what a relief! Wait a minute, maybe he's lying! Well, I eventually had to say something "Yes?" was my trembling reply (if text can tremble that is). Well needless to say, he took me under his wing (literally) and I watched as he laid waste to many a birdman in my honor. Of course I'd be lying if I didn't say that at times, I ran up and hacked a couple and died, but that's all part of the learning experience! He quickly leveled me to 19 or 20, and went on his way. At times we would cross paths, and after his second Rebirth, I was able to help him. See there, a literal example of, "What goes around, comes around"!

So if anyone takes anything positive out of this article, I would just like it to something simple. The next time you are about to PK that noob, or sneak hit that hardworking warrior who's already critical from the poison fog a ninja recently bestowed upon him, just pause for a minute and think, "Do I really want to do this?". Then after that pause, go ahead and PK him! At least I know I've got you thinking about it!

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