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[Tips] How to Get Good Gears Without Paying for Them

Author: Blazing_Fighter Date: Jul 06 2009 23:49:37 Views:

This is a way to get dbs, mets, and gear without spending a whole bunch of money on cps.

Step 1: To do this you must either have an archer or a ninja level 70-100 to do this or just a very good person at hunting.

Step 2: There are 2 great hunting areas to get mets and gold. The places are ape city and Bird Island. Go to either of those places and get at least up to 20-200 mets or 20 mets and 2kk gold(If you have an arch you can get up to 1kk gold each hour trust me it works).

Step 3: Sell your mets for 90k-100k gold and get up to enough money to buy a db. Does this process until you have 2 dbs and trade them in for a super weapon because a super weapon regular only costs like 215-430cps.

Step 4: Always buy your weapon before your armor because you can just kill them easily anyway. If you have an arch you can do this in a weak and get full super gear +4.You can also get help from friends and do this so you will be happy and not pay for anything at all, but its always good to buy a couple of cps each month to keep with the flow.

I hoped I helped :D

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